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Re: Proportional fonts in the mode line (one month test)

From: Jim Porter
Subject: Re: Proportional fonts in the mode line (one month test)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2021 18:44:10 -0800

On 11/25/2021 3:04 PM, Kévin Le Gouguec wrote:
Jim Porter <jporterbugs@gmail.com> writes:

That might help, but is there also a "wide colon" character we could
use for the CR/LF indicator?

I'm sure this is a silly idea, but…

Would it be possible to double down on the min-width specs, i.e. set the
min-width of each individual piece of "the U:---" thing to something
large enough to be clickable, despite the indicator char being narrow?

If the goal is to have Emacs take advantage of its rendering capabilities when run as a graphical application so that it doesn't just look like a terminal window, another option might be to use icons for each element in the U:--- thing. SVGs would be easy to scale for various resolutions/pixel densities and still ensure that they're relatively easy to click. It may also be possible to make icons that are more "obvious"; I doubt most novices could tell you what each of the characters in U:--- mean.

On the other hand, that's significantly more effort than other solutions, unless someone happens to have appropriate icons sitting around waiting to be used.

- Jim

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