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ELPA package submission: code-cells

From: Augusto Stoffel
Subject: ELPA package submission: code-cells
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 19:54:20 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.91 (gnu/linux)

I would like to propose the following package for inclusion in ELPA:


The package does two things:

A. It allows opening Jupyter notebook (ipynb) files as normal scripts.
   This widespread file format is, unfortunately, encoded as JSON.  So
   an external program (jupytext) is used to convert back and forth a
   script with special comments to indicate "cell boundaries".

B. It provides facilities to work with code split into cells through special
   comments, such as those obtained from A.

PS: While writing this package I had to handicraft something I wish
Emacs had built-in: a generic `eval-region' command that sends the
region to the appropriate comint depending on the major mode (or the
Elisp interpreter in Elisp mode, or to whatever else you want in X
mode).  The UI of different REPLs is quite inconsistent, and the lack of
a general REPL infrastructure also makes things hard to integrate with
project.el, for example.

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