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Re: Acquiring dependencies for Windows builds, was: Native compilation o

From: H. Dieter Wilhelm
Subject: Re: Acquiring dependencies for Windows builds, was: Native compilation on Windows
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 22:51:57 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (windows-nt)

Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> writes:

> First, no need to hard-code the location of objdump.exe:
> executable-find should be able to find it.

Nice, thank you. :-)

> Second, you change the default-directory in the wrong buffer, I think.
> More importantly, I don't see where you have the list of all the DLLs
> that Emacs loads.  You need to start from that list.


>> Which brings output into the Objdump-buffer but I'm not sure if above
>> approach might miss the - possibly - necessary MinGW64 environment
>> information, don't know if it makes a difference when objdump.exe is
>> called from the MinGW64 shell or with shell-command .
> I don't think I follow your fears here.  What exactly did you think
> could go wrong?  What do you mean by "necessary MinGW64 environment
> information"?

I thought, maybe, a call to objdump.exe needs further environment
information than Emacs is providing..

>> It seems to me that all MSYS DLLs on which Emacs depends have a name
>> component "lib", whereas the Windows libraries have no such substring.
>> (So I can easily filter them out.)
> There are exceptions: zlib1.dll.  For now, it's the only exception
> AFAIK, but watch out for others.

Luckily zlib1.dll contains also "lib". :-)

In the following I'm using copy-file. But I'm wondering why the argument
OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS can't be used to skip a copy process if the file
exists?  In the following some files will be multiple times overwritten..

Here's a further attempt (and it seems to work for me):

  (defun Copy-dll ( Dll)
    (let ((Build-folder "~/emacs-build/build/emacs-28.0.91/bin/")
          (Exists (file-exists-p Dll)))
      (if Exists
          (copy-file Dll Build-folder 'overwrite)
        (message (concat "[Info] Can't find " Dll)))))

  (let ((Objdump-buffer (get-buffer-create "*objdump*"))
        (Build-folder "~/emacs-build/build/emacs-28.0.91/bin/")
        (Dll-folder "d:/appl/MSYS2/mingw64/bin/")
        (Objdump (executable-find "objdump.exe")) ;mingw64 is in PATH
        ;; starting dependency list from dynamic-library-alist
        (Dependencies (add-to-list
                       '(harfbuzz "libharfbuzz-0.dll"))) ;add harfbuzz entry
        (Build-deps)             ; current dlls in the build folder
        (Dll nil)) ; temp variable

    ;; prepare (flatten) dependency list
    (dolist (D Dependencies)
      (add-to-list 'Dll (cdr D)))
    (setq Dependencies (flatten-tree Dll))
    ;; iterative proceedure: Add to Build-deps the dependencies
    (while (< (length Build-deps) (length Dependencies))
      (message "Number of dependencies %s" (length Dependencies ))
      (dolist (D Dependencies)
        (setq D (concat Dll-folder D))
        ;; Copy DLL from Dll-folder into build-folder
        (Copy-dll D))

      ;; Check the dependencies of *.exe and *.dll in the build folder
      (with-current-buffer Objdump-buffer
        (setq default-directory Build-folder)
        (shell-command (concat Objdump " -p *.exe *.dll") Objdump-buffer)
        ;; filtering steps
        (keep-lines "   DLL Name:")
        (keep-lines "lib")                      ;remove Windows DLLs
        (delete-duplicate-lines (point-min) (point-max))
        (goto-char (point-min))
        ;; remove cruft
        (while (re-search-forward "^[\t]DLL Name: " nil t)
          (replace-match ""))
        ;; Update dependencies in build folder
        (setq Dependencies
              (split-string     ;default splitter is \n among others
               (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))

      ;; Update Build-deps in Build-folder
      (setq Build-deps (directory-files Build-folder nil "dll$"))))


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