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[ELPA] Add package flymake-rest

From: Mohsin Kaleem
Subject: [ELPA] Add package flymake-rest
Date: Sun, 08 May 2022 09:34:12 +0100


This is just a friendly email to ask whether there's any interest in
including my package flymake-rest <https://melpa.org/#/flymake-rest>
in NonGNU ELPA (or ELPA). It's essentially an assortment of diagnostic
functions for a bunch of different linters/checkers and a few helper
functions for using flymake.

I realise the README of NonGNU ELPA mentions no packages may make
references to non-free software which could be a linter in the case of
this package. If necessary I'll move all references to such linters to
a separate MELPA package and only keep diagnostic functions for linters
with free licenses in the main package being proposed to NonGNU ELPA.

The purpose of this email is mostly to gauge whether there's any desire
for this package in NonGNU ELPA. What do you think?

Mohsin Kaleem

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