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Re: [ELPA] Add package flymake-rest

From: Mohsin Kaleem
Subject: Re: [ELPA] Add package flymake-rest
Date: Sun, 08 May 2022 11:17:20 +0100

Philip Kaludercic <philipk@posteo.net> writes:

> Out of curiosity, do you know if such software is widespread?

I have yet to encounter any so I don't think it's very widespread, but
when and if I do I'd like to include a definition in flymake-collection
(or at least somewhere it can easily be accessed).

> I guess we are talking about things like something like a proprietary
> compiler with static analysis, right?

Yes, that's a good example. Basically anything that can function as a
checker but lacks a free and open source license.

> It should also be pointed out that the issue isn't acknowledging
> non-free software in itself (my usual example is browse-url supports
> Google Chrome), but a strict dependence for the package to work.  Now I
> am not sure if, e.g. adding support for Intel's ICC compiler would be OK
> if GCC and Clang were also provided (never used ICC so this example
> might be nonsensical)?

That's a good point. Part of the goal of my original email is also to
clarify this.

>  If you are interested, it might even make sense to add the macros --
> or some variation thereof -- you use to generate a checker to Flymake
> (ie. the core) itself.

Good idea. There's already a few similar macros in the wild so having
something built in to emacs may help reduce the fragmentation on that
front. Although I'd like to make a few improvements to the current
implementation (checking remote files through TRAMP has not been merged
in yet) before making such a proposal.

Mohsin Kaleem

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