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Re: plz -> curl?

From: Tassilo Horn
Subject: Re: plz -> curl?
Date: Tue, 17 May 2022 08:43:31 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.7.21; emacs 29.0.50

Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> writes:

>> Whenever we add a new package, we should consider whether to change
>> its name first.  But plz has not been installed for long.  Giving it
>> a clear, meaningful name now won't cause any pain.

For me as a German guy, it's totaly obvious it has something to do with
Postleitzahlen (zip codes). ;-)

> I agree completely.  There are many unhelpful package names, such as
> "corfu", "cape", "eglot", "marginalia" and "mcd".

Well, all but marginalia are abbreviations.

corfu: Completion Overlay Region FUnction
cape: Completion At Point Extensions
eglot: Emacs + polyglot (as Eli mentioned)
marginalia: Additional information written in a book's margin
mct: Minibuffer and Completions in Tandem

> At least eglot could be renamed "lsp-client", which tells the user
> exactly what it does.

I think that would make it very easy to confuse with lsp-mode, i.e., it
would look as if lsp-client (eglot) was a part of lsp-mode (which
already has a large set of lsp-* addon-packages).  Probably that was the
initial reason why its name is the way it is.

Also, with overly descriptive names such as lsp-client, what if that
package is superseded by some alternative package.  The obviously best
(most descriptive) name is already taken!

In any case, I'm not against descriptive names but can also understand
when developers chose a name which sounds nice and is more memorable.
And especially for the packages with "unhelpful names" you've cited, the
purpose is pretty clear from their package description.  So maybe it
would be worthwhile to have some apropos-like command which searches
available packages so that LSP or "language server" would suggest eglot,


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