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Re: Org mode and Emacs (was: Convert README.org to plain text README whi

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: Org mode and Emacs (was: Convert README.org to plain text README while installing package)
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2022 10:40:29 +0800

Tim Cross <theophilusx@gmail.com> writes:

> Well, I think Richard was pretty clear when he asked for the additional
> semantic tags listed in the Indicating Definitions, Commands & etc
> section of the texinfo manual (6.1 in my copy). Looking at just that
> section and it is clear current org markup syntax can handle less than
> half. Some of those not handled are the types of semantic elements you
> would tend to encounter in software manuals and that is just one section. 

To clarify, all those extra semantics boil down to either quoting the
text inside in ASCII export or transforming them to /italics/ or
~fixed-width~ in LaTeX/HTML export. Moreover, the majority of extra
semantics is simply aliases (for example, @command is an alias to

Two exceptions are @acronym and @abbr, which can be easily added as
special link types.

In general, I so nothing in the 6.1 Indicating Definitions, Commands, etc.
that cannot be replicated using Org links or existing emphasis objects:
@code{sample} = ~sample~
@kbd{M-a}     = [[kbd:M-a]]  (with @kbdinputstyle being document keyword)
@key{RET}     = \RET (new entity type)
@samp{text}   = [[samp:text]]
@verb{text}   = =text=
@var{name}    = [[var:name]]
@env{variable}= [[env:variable]]
@file{path}   = [[file:path]]
@command{cmd} = [[command:cmd]]
@option{opt}  = [[option:opt]]
@dfn{def}     = [[dfn:def]]
@abbr{abbrev, meaning} = [[abbr:meaning][abbrev]]
same for @acronym.
@email{address,text} = [[mailto:address][text]]
@indicateurl{url} = [[url]]
@emph{text} = /text/
@strong{text} = *text*
@sc{text} = [[sc:][text]]

Note that for abbrevs, we have WIP

7 Quotations and Examples
@quotation: Block Quotations                    #+begin_verbatim
@indentedblock: Indented text blocks            N/A but can be a special block
@example: Example Text                          #+begin_example
@verbatim: Literal Text                         #+begin_verse
@lisp: Marking a Lisp Example                   #+begin_src
@display: Examples Using the Text Font          N/A (not sure here) but can 
also be a special block
@format: Examples Using the Full Line Width     I am a bit lost here, but 
again, anything can be a special block basically
@exdent: Undoing a Line’s Indentation           ...
@flushleft and @flushright                      ...
@raggedright: Ragged Right Text                 ...
@noindent: Omitting Indentation                 \\ I think
@indent: Forcing Indentation                    Not sure here
@cartouche: Rounded Rectangles                  Can be a block option (I am not 
sure if we can make it universal for all possible backends)
@small… Block Commands                          Can be a block option


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