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Cusom special block export, similar org org-link :export parameter (was:

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Cusom special block export, similar org org-link :export parameter (was: Org mode and Emacs)
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 14:13:37 +0800

Robert Pluim <rpluim@gmail.com> writes:

>     Ihor> However, we have special blocks for this purpose. They are 
> extendable,
>     Ihor> as I descibed above. Though some improvements in Org core might be
>     Ihor> needed if we have to use this extensibility more frequently.
> My first thought here was Org macros, but as far as I can tell they canʼt
> be multi-line, which would make them a bit cumbersome to use. Tell us
> more about special blocks, the documentation on them is a bit sparse.

Macros are meant to configure per-document level of export. Not global,

Special blocks are Org blocks with the following syntax:

#+begin_environment [optional parameters]

With "environment" being any word except "center", "quote", "comment",
"example", "export", "src", and "verse".

Currently, latex export directly translates such blocks into

plain text export supports special handling of
environment=justifyleft, justifyright.

html export supports
'("article" "aside" "audio" "canvas" "details" "figcaption"
    "figure" "footer" "header" "menu" "meter" "nav" "output"
    "progress" "section" "summary" "video")
special blocks

texinfo export translates special blocks into
@environment [options]

odt exprot supports "annotation" and "textbox" blocks.


Because "environment" can be pretty much anything, we can have a
pre-processor in org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions that transforms
different special blocks into appropriate form for a given export
backend (texinfo, latex, ascii, html, etc). This way, we will not have
to rely on backend-specific handling.

Such pre-processor currently does not exist, but it would be fairly
trivial to implement. We may even introduce an interface similar to
org-link-set-parameters for easier configuration of various types of
special blocks.



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