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Re: c47b535bb origin/main org-element: Remove dependency on ‘org-emphasi

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: c47b535bb origin/main org-element: Remove dependency on ‘org-emphasis-regexp-components’
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2021 23:36:44 +0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.14.0

On 21/11/2021 17:01, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:

My draft version is attached. Ihor, thank you for inspiration. Feel free
to improve it. I hope, it makes problem more apparent to user who tries
to customize markers. Have I missed some undesired side effects?

Unfortunately with "set" type in defcustom "catch inappropriate" item is
not hidden for valid configuration.
I am not very familiar with :set customisation. Could you elaborate what
you mean? I do not understand what "catch inappropriate" refers to.

I am afraid of confusion of ":set" defcustom parameter and "set" type in ":type" parameter.

I mean "set" instead of "repeat" (or "list" in your patch). It is collection of *unique* items. Other variants allow to add several entries for the same marker, e.g. "*". Set does not allow users to add duplicated entries. I started from your description of allowed entries
and changed rigid "list" type to "set" and added (approximately)

          (list :tag "Unsupported ignored"
           (string :tag "Marker")
           (choice :tag "Font"
            (face :tag "Face")
            (plist :tag "Property list"))
           (option (const verbatim))

to notify user that some part of configuration does not work, it is always shown in `customize-variable' interface, even as a disabled option for default configuration.

With repeat, "Unsupported" options are not present in customization buffer, unless user has something like

        ("*" bold)
        ("_" underline)
        ("=" org-verbatim verbatim)
        ("/" italic)
        ("~" org-code verbatim)
        ("!" org-todo) ;; does not work
        ("+" (:strike-through t)))))

It is possible to add "seq" entry to catch list entries having completely invalid structure, but I decided that it is redundant.

So with "repeat" type user may notice "Unsupported ignored" option in customization interface. I think, it is not enough, so I added ":set" function that issues a warning during load time. Invalid configuration may still remain hidden in the case of `setq' instead of `custom-set-variables' in the init file or `eval-after-load' hook. I am afraid, nothing could be done to reliably detect the last case.

+ ... It is possible to customize
+~org-emphasis-alist~ variable, but it will be deprecated.

We probably do not need to mention to-be-deprecated variables in manual.
It will only confuse users.

I do not insist. My intention is to inform users that wide spread recipes should be avoided.

Maybe we should also take a chance and deprecate org-emphasis-alist now?
We can introduce org-bold/italics/... faces and use them in
org-emphasis-alist default value.

I do not mind. I have never experimented with themes, so I would leave this part of work to someone else.

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