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[fluid-dev] FluidSynth and mingw32: Success! (I think)

From: Josh Green
Subject: [fluid-dev] FluidSynth and mingw32: Success! (I think)
Date: 31 May 2003 10:54:23 -0700

Success! I finally broke down and download the DX7 stuff from Micros~1
and imagine that, it comes with .lib shared files. So just kind of
linked it into FluidSynth, and it works! Well, it doesn't test well
under Wine, though. While I did successfully load a SoundFont, it takes
up 100% CPU and barfs a bunch of messages like so:

fixme:dsound:DSOUND_MixOne problem with underrun detection (mixlen=16384
< primary_done=18160)

I'm going to be in a place where there is a win32 machine, so perhaps
I'll give it a real test. If someone else wants to give it a try you can
grab a tarball (contains fluidsynth.exe and fluidsynth-1.dll) its only
about 300k, and shouldn't contain any virii since it was compiled on a
Linux machine. The URL is:


Onto compiling Swami and getting it linked with that mess :) Cheers.
        Josh Green

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