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Re: [fluid-dev] Problem in fluidsynth (Ubuntu 11.10) still in Ubuntu 12.

From: Aere Greenway
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Problem in fluidsynth (Ubuntu 11.10) still in Ubuntu 12.04
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 10:33:27 -0600


Please do  make a bug-fix release, so this problem is at least fixed in Ubuntu 12.10. 

Also, if you do this, will it also fix qsynth?  The qsynth package is what I actually installed - I do not use fluidsynth directly. 

Fixing it in 12.10 will still be useful to me, since I am recommending Lubuntu for people with less capable machines, and for Lubuntu, 12.04 is not a LTS release. 

I will initiate the bug-reporting process, but I have to do it on a machine that does not yet have the patch (only one of my partitions of one of my machines is still in the crippled state - it's Ubuntu (Unity Desktop)).

I assume I need to do it on such a machine, since information on installed components is gathered.  Also, I'll have to report it for qsynth rather than fluidsynth, since that is what I have installed.  So the command for reporting the bug will be:

ubuntu-bug qsynth


On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 09:20 +0200, David Henningsson wrote:
From:  David Henningsson <address@hidden>
To:  Aere Greenway <address@hidden>
Cc:  FluidSynth mailing list <address@hidden>
Subject:  Re: [fluid-dev] Problem in fluidsynth (Ubuntu 11.10) still in Ubuntu 12.04
Date:  Wed, 23 May 2012 09:20:57 +0200 (05/23/2012 01:20:57 AM)

On 05/23/2012 04:56 AM, Aere Greenway wrote:
> David:
> I read the link on the SRU process, but am unsure of how to proceed with
> it, or whether I am even able to do so, not being a developer.

Anyone has permissions to do the first part of the SRU process. The
second part (patch review and final upload) has to be done by a member
of the SRU team.

http://www.ubuntu.com/community has some initial links to how to get in
touch with people who hopefully have more time to help you out than I
currently do.

> I presume it hasn't been tested in the current Ubuntu 12.04 development
> release, and I am not in a position to post the fix for testing.

The development release is now 12.10, as 12.04 has been released.

> I did verify that the PPA fix you made available for the Ubuntu 11.10
> release fixes the problem when installed in 12.04. I did this by
> changing the version designation of your PPA fix to the following:
> libfluidsynth1_1.1.5-3ubuntu1~diwicppa_i386.deb
> (it was formerly libfluidsynth1_1.1.5-1ubuntu1~diwicppa_i386.deb)
> I re-built that modified-version-# Debian package, and was able to
> install it in 12.04 using gdebi.
> After doing so, I tested it in four of the machines in my test-bed -
> especially the low-speed / low-memory machines (where the problem is
> brutally apparent), and the fix worked.

Sounds like a good start to me.

> Here is my description of the problem, to the extent of my understanding
> of it:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> When you play a MIDI file (using Qsynth) which has a lot of parts -
> especially piano parts (which have many simultaneous notes, and use the
> sustain pedal a lot), Qsynth gets into a bad state where new notes are
> either not played, or play for less than a half-second (and go silent).
> This is especially apparent on low speed machines, where it is necessary
> to limit Qsynth's polyphony parameter to 64 or 48 to avoid unnecessary
> processor overhead.
> Once Qsynth gets into this bad state, it will fail to play (with
> reasonable quality) even simple MIDI files. The only way to get it out
> of the 'bad state' is to restart the Qsynth 'engine' (or Qsynth itself).
> The Qsynth (FluidSynth) developers posted a fix for this problem (in a
> PPA) for Ubuntu 11.10 (where the problem was first observed), and it
> fixed the problem in Ubuntu 11.10.
> I have re-packaged that PPA version of libfluidsynth1, changing its
> version number so it can be installed in Ubuntu 12.04, and have tested
> it successfully in that (current LTS) release.
> The fix, posted as a PPA, was actually their main (trunk) version of
> libfluidsynth1 (at the time of the bug's discovery - they had already
> noticed the problem, and fixed it). For some reason, the new version of
> libfluidsynth1 was not committed for release into Ubuntu 12.04, so the
> bug in release 11.10 remains in 12.04.

And the "some reason" is that nobody took the time to do so, and we (as
FluidSynth upstream) didn't make a bug fix release either. Perhaps we
should do that some time soon...so that the fixes will go into 12.10 at

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> David, I have modified my automated install process for my MIDI training
> courseware to install my re-packaging of your PPA fix. This gets me
> beyond the obvious problem for users trying to use the courseware, and
> when a new version of Qsynth (FluidSynth) is actually released, it
> should replace my re-packaged PPA (because of a higher version
> designation).
> I am hoping that somehow this fix can be put into 12.04, which is
> supposed to be supported for 3 years (a very long time).

Actually, it's 5 years.

> I tried to create a bug report on it in Ubuntu 12.04, but have not found
> a way to do it, since nothing crashes.

The terminal command "ubuntu-bug fluidsynth" can be used to report a
bug, or you can use the link "report a bug" from the
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fluidsynth page.

> If I can help by creating such a bug report, please let me know how to
> go about doing it, and I will do so.
> P.S. - Dr. Leo (also on the e-mail list) tried playing a standard MIDI
> file of one of the sequences demonstrating the problem (on fluidsynth he
> built on Windows), and it actually crashed. This makes me wonder if the
> latest (or a later) version still fixes the problem, or if some new
> problem has reared its ugly head. I would be happy to send you the MIDI
> file for your testing pleasure.
> Sincerely,
> Aere
> On Wed, 2012-05-02 at 15:47 +0200, David Henningsson wrote:
>> On 04/28/2012 06:40 AM, Aere Greenway wrote:
>> >  All:
>> >
>> >  Months ago, I discovered a problem with fluidsynth where voices for new
>> >  notes would fail to play because (my guess) older notes which had faded
>> >  to inaudible status were still playing.
>> >
>> >  I worked with David Henningson on this problem, and he made a fix for it
>> >  available (in a PPA).
>> >
>> >  This fixed the problem in Ubuntu 11.10, and I assumed it would be fixed
>> >  in the next release of Ubuntu (12.04).
>> >
>> >  Unfortunately, the problem (or a similar, new problem) is in the version
>> >  of fluidsynth in Ubuntu 12.04.
>> The bug is still present in Ubuntu 12.04.
>> This mainly due to lack of time/priority/thought from my part.
>> There has not been a release of FluidSynth lately, so there is no
>> upstream release that could have flown the"natural"  way through Debian
>> to Ubuntu.
>> And, nobody has tried to backport the actual commit (as a bug fix) to
>> Debian or Ubuntu.
>> For Ubuntu 12.04, this fix should be SRUable, if somebody just sits down
>> and does the paperwork:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates
>> I guess we could also release a version 1.1.6 of FluidSynth with the
>> current tree in it, if we like.
>> // David
> --
> Sincerely,
> Aere



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