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Re: [fluid-dev] FluidSynth and glib

From: Ryan Gonzalez
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] FluidSynth and glib
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 10:47:44 -0600
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

glib isn't actually that huge, and Fluidsynth puts it to good use. Cross-platform threading is hard. I'm writing an application that depends on Fluidsynth, and it wasn't really a program.

The synthesizer indirectly uses gthreads a lot, so I don't think it would be easy to remove. But, do older glib versions not work? They might!

You could also try https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk/ .

I'm not overly familiar with the Fluid code base, though, so I may be wrong.

On January 13, 2016 7:52:54 AM CST, Johannes Schickel <address@hidden> wrote:

first of all thank you for your awesome project!

I am a member of ScummVM (http://www.scummvm.org) and I am currently
looking into getting our FluidSynth support a bit more up to speed (i.e.
get it into more of our ports, updating to the latest version, etc). It
looks like there are some obstacles for this though. The biggest one is
the glib dependency. For example, modern glib versions do not support
Win9x anymore (2.6.9 is the last one to support this AFAICT from:
http://gtk-win.sourceforge.net/home/index.php/Main/Downloads), which is
some target we still support.

From a quick look at FluidSynth I have the feeling libfluidsynth
includes a lot of code we are not interested in for ScummVM. We are only
really interested in the actual synthesizer part. I hoped this part
would not depend on glib, however I found references to glib's hash
table and thread code. Is there any chance for the future that
FluidSynth's core synthesizer could be built standalone and without glib
dependency? This would allow us to switch to a version more up to date
than FluidSynth 1.0.9.


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