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[fluid-dev] fluidsynth tries to connect to jackd

From: Jesús Gómez
Subject: [fluid-dev] fluidsynth tries to connect to jackd
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 20:26:24 -0230


I just installed fluidsynth in a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 machine.

After that I tried the simplest test possible, play a midi file:

fluidsynth /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 the-midi-file.mid

But I get the following error:
exec of JACK server (command = "/usr/bin/jackd") failed: No such file or directory
(Full message[1])

So, it seems evident, but I want to check: Is it required by fluidsynth to have jackd installed?

[1] http://ix.io/2Vrn

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