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Re: [FR-devel] Projects status...

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] Projects status...
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 13:58:42 +0200
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Baptiste Lepilleur wrote:
    Well, I'm new around here and I'd like to know the status of the
following projects:

* Debug: I've skimmed over some thread concerning the choice of a wrapper.
Have a choice been made, is there anything (even if it's just some testing
of the wrapping library).

I have appointed myself as the owner of the debugger module. I spent sometime thinking about it and so far I see 2 possible approaches:

- The quick and dirty one: use the open3 ruby call to open a bidirectinal pipe to ruby debugger process, transform Ui actions into debugger command line and analyse the debugger output to properly update the freeRIDE UI.

- The right one: augment Hiroshi NAKAMURA's remote debugger so that you can drive it through Ruby code. Hiroshi's remote debugger uses dRuby and it will be easy to extend. The big advantage of using the remote debugger is you can pass Ruby objects back and forth between the debugger and the debuggee though making varibale inspection, formatting, etc... much easier. The remote debugger is available at:

You may see other approaches yourself. If so I'd be more than happy to discuss them on this ML


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