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[FR-devel] First Developer Release of FreeRIDE coming VERY SOON!

From: Curt Hibbs
Subject: [FR-devel] First Developer Release of FreeRIDE coming VERY SOON!
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 17:37:00 -0700

You've all been very patient waiting for your chance to start contributing real code to FreeRIDE, so I wanted to take a moment to give you a quick update.
I have completed the code the I will check in to CVS as the initial developer release of FreeRIDE. It is not yet usable (for example, the Save command is not implemented), but all of the architectural pieces are in place so that each of you can begin contributing in your areas and know how to plug your code into the framework.
You can open and edit files, the mechanism is in place for defining commands, adding them to menupanes, and adding menupanes to the menubar. The front-end creation and use of GUI components (commands, menus, edit-control, etc.) are completely separated from the back-end rendering of the GUI components. Of course, I will be checking in FXRuby rendering components.
Before I check the code in I need to add RDoc comments, test it under the latest release for FXRuby, and write up some release notes that document the framework. I will, subsequently, use these release notes as the basis for a more formal documentation update on the wiki.

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