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[FR-devel] README for FreeRIDE 0.0.4 is Checked In

From: Curt Hibbs
Subject: [FR-devel] README for FreeRIDE 0.0.4 is Checked In
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 07:34:20 -0700

I thought I would send the contents of the README so you can see it before
you get things out of CVS.

BTW, the commands that are implemented in this release are:

* File>Open
* File>Exit
* Edit>Cut
* Edit>Copy
* Edit>Paste
* Help>About

the commands:

* File>Save
* File>Close

appear on the file menu but are not implemented.



Release Notes -- FreeRide 0.0.4

This is the first internal developer release of FreeRIDE. While it is not
usable, it does demonstrate a working editing pane and provides the general
architecture of FreeRIDE's GUI framework.

This release was developed and tested under Windows using Ruby 1.7.2 (mswin
build)and FXRuby 1.0.10.

== Components ==

This release includes basic implementations of the following components:

* Commands  -- objects that can be executed to perform actions.
* MenuPanes -- displays a list of commands from which on can be chosen
               for execution.
* MenuBars  -- displays titles that "drop down" a MenuPane when clicked.
* EditPanes -- a basic code editing windows (uses FXScintilla).
* AppFrames -- the main FreeRUDE window.

== Subsystems ==

This release contains three new FreeRIDE subsystems (a subsystem is a set
of related plugins that reside in a common directory tree):

* System_Commands     -- currently, this contains the implementation of
                         all commands.
* System_GuiCore      -- implements the core GUI components.
* System_GuiRenderFox -- renders GUI components using FXRuby.

== HACKS ==

There are a few temporary hacks in the code that will, eventually, be
and are clearly marked in the code. For example, the code that instantiates
renders and EditPane is one such hack -- only one EditPane may be currently

== Services ==

The GUI Framework expects to find a number of common services to be
through the databus. For example the MessageBox service is used to display
a dialog box with the specified message-text and a single OK button.

FreeRIDE currently uses services published at the following databus

* /system/ui/services/FileOpenDialog
* /system/ui/services/MessageBox
* /system/ui/services/Shutdown

The Fox rendering subsystem contains a file, FoxServices.rb, that implements
these services using Fox.

== Where to Start ==

The file /freeride/plugins/System_GuiCore/GuiSetup.rb contains the startup
code for the FreeRIDE GUI.

GuiSetup.rb also defines the class that manages component pools. FreeRIDE
currently creates and uses the following component pools:

* /system/ui/components/AppFrame
* /system/ui/components/EditPane
* /system/ui/components/MenuPane

Each component pool has the following path structure:


each child of the above path represents a single component, and the path:


contais a single instance of a class that will be used to render that

* /system/ui/commands/AppCommands
* /system/ui/commands/EditCommands

[TODO: write more -- curt]

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