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Re: [FSF] 2022 December FSS for [es] translation

From: Devin Ulibarri
Subject: Re: [FSF] 2022 December FSS for [es] translation
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 09:39:26 -0500


> I will pay more attention to those kind of mistakes!!  they are really
> difficult to check in a long text.

No worries.

I do recommend, however, that we come up with some sort of Spanish
language template for the standard, reoccurring text. If/when that
changes, I'll let you know; otherwise, you can just copy and paste from
the template, which should reduce time spent on translating as well as
reduce the potential for errors.

...actually, now that I look in our files, I see that we do have a
template that seems to have been last updated in January 2014. I updated
it just now by copying the text from an updated version of the December
Spanish FSS. I also added some (hopefully helpful) notes at the top.

Hopefully, this helps. If you make changes to this template, please send
it back to me so that the FSF can keep it on file.


Devin Ulibarri // Outreach & Communications Coordinator
Free Software Foundation

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