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Re: [glob2-devel] new gradient system

From: Nuage
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] new gradient system
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 23:09:55 +0200
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| i did some new tests:
|   - first of all you should realy do somethink with the checksum.  i
| mean somethink to make the checksum at least 30 times faster.  I suggest
| 100 times faster.  Why not making the checksum once every 30 secconds, i
| dont know what this does exacty but i dont think that playing 10
| secconds without checksum is bad, i can play for minutes witout checksum
| and the game is still working well.
|  -  seccond, if i disable the checksum, i still have the gradian think
| that take more than 80% of resources and 110% of CPU on a 512*512 map;
| of course is better than 1000% of cpu and 99% of resources like before,
| but if you could just make it 10 or 20 times faster, maybe more, EVEN if
| the workers will stay more time before finding the right way;
|  - third,  suppose that this two first problems get solved, do we realy
| nead to print so many frames on the screen?  what about printing once on
| the screen every 3 cycles. It will be the same for the eye, but it will
| speed up the game, because when i disable both checksums and gradient
| the glx is taking the most of the time, well, still resonable;
|  - 4th,   on huge maps printing the map is taking almost as much as
| printing the screen with glx.   please, could you do somethink and print
| the map less often, like making a refresh of the map every 10 secconds
| or some other idea.
|  I am sure that the point 3 will make the game faster for little
| computers on maps up to 128*128;
|  The first and seccond point could make the 512*512 game realy fast;
|   All 4 of this ill make the 512*512 and even maybe 1024*1024 maps fast
| even on less then 1 Ghz computers.
|   Only to find a way to desactivate the checksums and to make the
| gradient 10 or 20 times faster
|  Is there a hope?

Sorry, but I seriously checked all points, and there is no way to make it 

Our aim is not to have a fast game, but a good game. A CPU load of 110% is 
playable, but nobody will play an averagly working game.
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