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[glob2-devel] Gameplay discussion

From: Gabriel Walt
Subject: [glob2-devel] Gameplay discussion
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 13:18:30 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1


Here's a summary of the main gameplay elements that i think are currently 
problematic in glob2 and that could deserve some tuning. The aim is to 
suggest some very simple points that can be tuned with as few programming 
required as possible:

- Making warrior rushes harder. The problem is that if a player is rushing 
with warriors, the opponent has no other choice than to make a big army too, 
currently the best defense is a good offense. So what we need is to allow 
people to make a better defense. Level 1 towers are already quite strong 
against level 1 warriors so this is ok. But the problem is that it's 
impossible to build enough towers all around the base to be safe and towers 
are only a defense point - not a defense line. What I suggest is to make 
walls cheaper: 1wood instead of 2wood. I'm not sure this is enough, but it 
may help a bit... if you have other ideas of how to make rushes less 
efficient, please discuss them.

- Making cleaning enemy's resources harder. Here the problem is that it's too 
hard to counter an armada of enemy workers that clean your resources and it's 
too hard to defend correctly resources. What i suggest is to make cleaning 
resources 2 to 4 times slower... But the problem is that it may then be 
slower than the basic taking resources for a construction, should that be 
slower too, just for having a coherent game?

- Another possibility to make resource cleaning attacks harder is to make 
workers much more fragile, to be able to attack them efficiently. I also like 
the idea that a worker is fragile and a warrior is much more resistant, but 
to be correct, workers should then also require less resources to breed in 
the swarm, and warriors require more resources! Workers should also stay 
shorter in the hospital.

- While we are at upgrade speed, i repeat what i already said, i think upgrade 
speed should be variable. For instance a level 2 warrior going into a level 3 
war upgrade building should stay shorter than a level 1 warrior going into 
the same building. Does any body agree - or disagree? Comments are welcome, 
especially from people who play!

- Conversion should be less systematic. The problem is that when two players 
have  conversion activated and make tough war and there are few inns 
available, units switch the side very often which makes everything very 
inefficient. They shouldn't switch side that systematically IMHO... but this 
can be discussed. Again, comments are welcome.

- Something i simply "hate" in glob2 is the different upgrade size of the walk 
and swim buildings... Does anybody actually like that?? It's just a pain in 
the ass and micromanagement thing to track down each resource sprite that is 
in the wrong place when you want to upgrade your building... If i remember 
well this is also a feature that has never really been "designed" but that 
comes from the old gfx of globulation first of it's name, where buildings 
weren't upgraded but you had to build a new upgraded building... So it made 
sense then, but no more now! Anybody who agrees, please tell it.

PS: sorry for the many english mistakes, i know i suck. furthermore i had not 
time to read again what i wrote... sorry, i hope you can still figure out 
what i tried to say.

PPS: please answer and tell what you think about these points. also PLAY 
glob2, this is the only way we can tune the gameplay!

Thanks :)


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