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Re: [glob2-devel] Glob2 suddenly became slow!

From: Matthew Marshall
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Glob2 suddenly became slow!
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 23:31:31 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.9.1

On Mon 12 Jun 2006 14:58, you wrote:
> >
> >
> > Has anyone else experienced this?
> >
> > MWM
> Well sorry. I know that at least 50% of all games end desynced.

It's been 100% for me :-(  At least it's not near as bad as "The Great 
Forbidden Area Desync of '04!"

Maybe _I_ just need to spend some time and try to nail down exactly what is 
causing this.

> Maybe if we get some hundred people to drop in soon we 
> get people motivate to help those begging noobs get their games running ;)

Problem is, most people aren't persistant enough to beg.  Before they have a 
chance to really get into the game they get frustrated.  :-/

> P.S.: My excuse not to program for glob2: I don't get any ide running :(
> Anjuta what I did my mapgenerator with suddenly stopped working and eclipse
> that has very cool features crashes regularly without saving anything
> before. Any suggestions?

Have you tried doing it the old fashion way and using a text editor?  I prefer 
kate, (AFAIK so does ntc,) but if you want to use a gnome program GEdit isn't 
too bad.  KDevelop is another option for an IDE.


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