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Re: [glob2-devel] why areas on top of all other

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] why areas on top of all other
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 00:03:41 -0400

On 4/21/07, Leo Wandersleb <address@hidden> wrote:

finding (nice via rss) i now 
am sure it was different before.
the way it is now is inconvenient as it obscures information about the units.
i'd prefer to have areas that are far less visible either by pushing them down 
maybe even below resources or by giving them alpha 30% to 50% .

Leo Wandersleb

I suppose then there is going to be disagreement. I would prefer the
areas to be up. When I noticed they where being drawn under everything
I changed it. It makes it impossible to know exactly where areas are.
If they are under a building one won't know it. I found it very hard
to work with forbidden areas near civilization.

Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.

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