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Re: [glob2-devel] Problems with Mercurial, where is our expert on this?

From: Kai Antweiler
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Problems with Mercurial, where is our expert on this?
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 22:53:26 +0200

I used to run

cd Games/glob2-cvs && cvs update && ./configure && make && cd src && gdb

and it would work perfectly. So, after viewing the website, saw update was
pull and update, I changed to

cd Games/glob2-hg && hg pull && hg update && ./configure && make && cd src
&& gdb glob2

I would not run everything at once.  But there is a "hg fetch" extension that
combines pull and update or something else I don't know.
Also you should use "hg pull -r master", because there are different branches
in the repository now.

However, I think I'm doing it wrong because everytime I do that (everytime,
that is almost 3 times in 48 hours :P), I get the following output:

address@hidden ~]$ cd Games/glob2-hg && hg pull && hg update &&
./configure &
                              & make && cd src && gdb glob2
pulling from
http authorization required
realm: Enter your globulation 2 mercurial username
user: k776
searching for changes
no changes found
abort: update spans branches, use 'hg merge' or 'hg update -C' to lose

Yes, when you pull from https://... you have to type in your password.
Do "hg pull -r master http://..."; instead.

Now I want to merge, but when I try:

When you don't code, you don't need to merge.
When you pull the <master> branch you just need to update.
Otherwise you might need to do "hg revert --all -r master",
but then "make" will recompile everything.

address@hidden glob2-hg]$ hg merge
abort: working dir not at a head rev - use "hg update" or merge with an
explicit rev
address@hidden glob2-hg]$ hg update
abort: update spans branches, use 'hg merge' or 'hg update -C' to lose
address@hidden glob2-hg]$ hg update -C
3 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
address@hidden glob2-hg]$

Its a loophole that forces me to use the -C command on the end of update,
which I guess means either force (which can cause problems) or skip (which
means I might as well have not updated anything :P)

It means force.
#  hg help update
hg update [-C] [-d DATE] [REV]

update or merge working directory

   Update the working directory to the specified revision.

   If there are no outstanding changes in the working directory and
   there is a linear relationship between the current version and the
   requested version, the result is the requested version.

   To merge the working directory with another revision, use the
   merge command.

   By default, update will refuse to run if doing so would require
   merging or discarding local changes.

aliases: up, checkout, co


-C --clean  overwrite locally modified files
-d --date   tipmost revision matching date

As you can see update -C will not always work.
What "linear relationship" means I don't know.  Non-mathematicians
like to use the
term "linear" everywhere.  I guess here it has something to do with merges.

Kai Antweiler

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