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Re: [glob2-devel] Longer Release Candidate, soon!

From: Kieran P
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Longer Release Candidate, soon!
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:14:17 +1200

Does that mean include them in the release (listed in Keys file), or just have them in the pack for people to edit?

If translations are going to be succesful, then the translation python script needs to be edited so it includes enlgish strings if a translated string is not set. Why? this will save people from going to the english file to find the string. they can open the file, find any english strings, and translate them. simple!

So just pull english values to empty labels in other translations sound good??

(if anything, it will atleast fill in a gap in the game, so people who know both languages can atleast try to play !)


On 7/30/07, Stéphane Magnenat <address@hidden> wrote:
Yes, but better have a buggy one than no one for contributors to start
with ;-)


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