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[glob2-devel] Some gameplay comments on 0.9.3

From: Stéphane Magnenat
Subject: [glob2-devel] Some gameplay comments on 0.9.3
Date: Sun, 4 May 2008 17:28:29 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9


I've just played three games on the net. First of all, congratulation for the 
great achievement in term of stability; the game never crashed and was really 

Now, I've some comments about the gameplay :
- I think that the warriors are too strong, especially at the start of game : 
it makes rush too easy in my opinion,.
- I've seen that the unit allocation algo. was changed for reallocating unit 
each time after one work (such as bringing one resource) ; while this add 
dynamism, it is very frustrating at start of game, because units tend to 
change targets of work very often and the whole colony behaves really bad. 
This may be a bug in the way the score for unit-to-work allocation is 
computed, or an instability in the allocation algo. Maybe we can lock the 
unit to a target for more than one work, as it was done previously.

How and there is a very funny bug (my fault this time) when one has a screen 
bigger than the whole map, buildings get displayed only once. I might fix it 
one day ;-)

So congratulation for this release, now that it is working, I think/hope that 
we will have more and more players, so a ladder system is definitively 

Have a nice day,



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