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Re: 6160 and TDMA phones

From: Derek Broughton
Subject: Re: 6160 and TDMA phones
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 11:52:39 -0300

From: "Eduardo Spremolla" <address@hidden>

> On Fri, 2002-06-28 at 10:43, Derek Broughton wrote:
> >
> > And I still can't tell whether a DLR3 is an MBUS or FBUS cable.
> > --
> AFAIK the DLR3 have both buses, It have a MCU that sends a frame to the
> fone over the MBUS every time the phone ask, and that put the FBUS pins
> in AT mode.

Thanks.  Unfortunately then, that doesn't help me figure out why my 6160
refuses to respond to any queries at all :-(

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