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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: in-tree pristines fatally wounded (merge-fest e

From: Tom Lord
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: in-tree pristines fatally wounded (merge-fest etc)
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 14:31:52 -0800 (PST)

    > From: address@hidden

    > If you feel I am just being mean; then I really expressed myself
    > poorly (not uncommon) personal attacks are not something I take
    > pleasure in or even feel I am good at.

Well, not to make myself your therapist or anything, but perhaps part
of the problem is that you don't recognize a personal attack when you 
make one.

    > The points you feel are mean are meant as a wakeup call; since
    > your paypal URL seems to flash in emails many times more often
    > then they did when I just subscribed.

I don't believe your use of "since".   I believed you when you linked
the rant to my rejection of some of your so-called "usability"

As for my finances, there's a few quasi- and literally- periodic
phenomona at work.  There's the quasi- periodic phenomona of
contributions related to my activity on the project.  Very (very)
slightly, the contributions have been rising lately relative to
activity (I call that the quasi-periodic phenomonon).  At the same
time, there's the various expenses related to survival -- the
literally (mostly, at least) periodic phenomona of this and that bill,
where the bills happen at different time scales (daily food, monthly
rent and utilities, cat-support, health care, shoes, clothes, etc.).

Some of the expenses can be postponed for a while.   I can get away
with wearing down my shoes until they have holes in them, for
example.   Or I can wait until my glasses are _way_way_ the wrong
focus instead of merely the _rather_ wrong focus.  And so forth.

So I can get by during _some_ months of low contribution by postponing
other expenses.  And then eventually those other expenses catch up and
I need to make a pitch for greater contributions -- merely for
survival.  So, yes, the frequency with which I pass the hat varies
over time.

    > I also observe that the bugs that are really a problem in every
    > day use _right now_ are not being closed, they are not even
    > followed up. And when they are they are closed with a claim that
    > is not supported by reason.

Your judgement in this area has not proven to be especially reliable
or indicative.   Sorry.

You started making "usability suggestions" at a time when it was
painfully obvious that you didn't really grok arch.   Some of your
suggestions were, understandably, quite bogus.

Since then, you've improved -- somewhat.

That is my frank assesment.

    > If it is your opinion that tla should get changes in the core; but that it
    > will still be too hard to use for end users, that Windows is not a player
    > and all those little things that people tell you are immidiate problems.
    > If those things are not as important as core updates, then you must face
    > the problem that your audience is going to be a _lot_ smaller and a direct
    > concequence is that fundraising is going to be a lot harder (less chickens
    > to pick feathers from).

Have you considered a career as an industry analyst?   You seem to
have the qualifications.

    > > The suggestions you make stand or fall on their merits -- not on the
    > > power or lack of power of your rants.

    > I appreciate that you have that standpoint; and please beware that I have
    > tried to find various reasons for sending that cach you need.  
    > I (personally) have not found any.

    > Since this will probably be seen as another simple rant, I'll leave it 
    > the personal opinion called;  a sincere frustration.

Ok, then.


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