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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] cscvs?

From: David Allouche
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] cscvs?
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 11:20:21 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 11:22:09PM +0000, wave++ wrote:
> Yet again I've another project to migrate from cvs, but I want to
> preserve branches this time because the project used cvs's branching
> feature in a fancy way (much like how you use arch in fact):
>   - head -> (dead)
>     \-- split -> head -> (dead)
>                  \-- split -> head -> (dead)
>                               \-- split -> head -> (dead)
>                                            \-- [CVS got lost here]
> Obviously I want to retain full history. I successfully used my own
> dirty hack in the past (cvs2arch), but before hacking it futher to
> playback branches I was wondering if cscvs does what I need and, if so,
> where is the lastest archive :)

I am not familiar with the way branches may be used in CVS. From what
you say, it seems that you have two branches "head" and "split" and that
they are sort of interleaved. Something like

  head  -.--o    .--.--o    .--.--o    .-->
          \     /    \     /    \     /
  split    `->-'      `->-'      `->-'

If that is true, for one thing I have a hard time seeing how you can do
that in Arch (I recall that branches should either contain only
changesets except for the first import or contain only tags).

cscvs actually considers the changesets committed to different branches
to be part of different streams, or so it seems from my use of it, I
have not digged in the changeset construction code. So it would just
basically build this:

  head  ----------------------->

  split ----------------------->

Unless you have some extra information, for example CVS version tags at
branch points, I can hardly see how you can use cscvs to import your
project without major changes in the changeset construction logic.
But then, when you look at the cscvs code, it clearly asks for being hit
in the face, so please do not hesitate :-)

                                                            -- ddaa

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