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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] undo for single files?

From: James Blackwell
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] undo for single files?
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 20:10:07 -0500

> I'm not familiar with them all, but couldn't they be options to a single 
> "archive" command?  I'm sure there are more commands that manipulate 
> archives as well, but are not immediately obvious (to me) because they 
> don't have 'archive' in the name...

Some of these commands may seem mergable on the surface but may not seem
quite so complimentary after looking at things a little more closely.

For example, lets take at tla undo.  undo doesn't just put the files
back to the way they were. The command also builds an undo directory
that is very similiar to a changeset. The reason for this is that people
often want to 1. undo their current work  2. perform some trivial work
3. commit 4. redo and resume their previous work. If we added -f
<filename> to "tla undo", then we'd end up making little one-file
changesets that the user would have to rm if he didn't want them.

I would expect that any software ends up with some questions that 
are asked again, again and again.  With 'ls', people often ask how
to append classifiers to filenames. Gnucash has several recurring
questions regarding initial account setup. Tla is saddled with "how
do I throw away the changes for this one file".

James Blackwell        Using I.T. to bring more                570-407-0488
Owner, Inframix        business to your business

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