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[Gnu-arch-users] possible bug in signature verification

From: Victor V. Shkamerda
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] possible bug in signature verification
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 09:48:55 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040128


I've just noticed that tla did not verify signatures for revisions cached in archive, e.g. continuation revision. I suppose nobody noticed this yet because they are using revision libraries and therefore are getting these revisions from there instead. Try for example "tla get tla--devo" without your revision library. I'm getting a nice "INVALID SIGNATURE ON REVISION!... checksum file: checksum... trouble reading checksum file for address@hidden/tla--devo--1.2--base-0" despite the fact that it's there, but in file checksum.cacherev.

With best regards,
Victor Shkamerda
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