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difficulties with 1.4.5/cygwin

From: William R. Brohinsky
Subject: difficulties with 1.4.5/cygwin
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 11:39:05 -0400


When I got back from vacation, I was also disemployed by the company
I've been working for. This engendered musical computers, and I returned
all my lilypond work to my home computer.

To do this, I completely removed all vestiges of old cygwin
installations (I'd never put lilypond on this one, nor miktex) and wiped
old ghostscript stuff.

Then I downloaded the lilypond dist for 1.4.5 with sources, and
installed it.

I was pleased to see that many things have been fixed that had survived
a few version increments, but was really sad that ly2dvi doesn't work
now. Specifically, when I invoke ly2dvi, I get the following error
messages (this is on win2000):

address@hidden ~$ ly2dvi

Running LilyPond...
error: sh: command exited with value -1
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "C:\cygwin\usr\lilypond-1.4.5\bin\", line 782, in ?
    run_lilypond (files, outbase, dep_prefix)
  File "C:\cygwin\usr\lilypond-1.4.5\bin\", line 390, in
    system ('lilypond %s %s ' % (opts, fs))
  File "C:\cygwin\usr\lilypond-1.4.5\bin\", line 314, in system
    error (msg)
  File "C:\cygwin\usr\lilypond-1.4.5\bin\", line 207, in error
    raise _ ("Exiting ... ")
Exiting ...

By running with the verbose flag turned on, I can determine that the
command string used is:

address@hidden ~$ ly2dvi -V

Invoking `sh -c 'lilypond  -I C:\\\cygwin\\\home\\\Administrator -H
dedication -H title -H subtitle -H subsubtitle -H footer -H head -H
composer -H arranger -H instrument -H opus -H piece -H metre -H meter -H
poet -H texttranslator -H language -H linewidth -H latexpackages -H
latexoptions -H latexheaders -H orientation -H pagenumber -H textheight
-H papersize --verbose C:\\\cygwin\\\home\\\Administrator\\\example-1 ''
error: sh: command exited with value -1...

The frustrating part is that, if I copy the "Invoking '" line without
the surrounding quotes and the word 'invoking', paste it on the command
line and hit return... it runs. Of course, this doesn't do all the setup
that ly2dvi is supposed to, so none of the -H <name> stuff works, and I
get output identical to running lilypond without the ly2dvi wrapper.

For some reason, sh is returning -1 when ly2dvi sets stuff up. Since no
one else has complained (or did I miss it?) it is probably another one
of those things related to a virgin install.

Can anyone help me figure out what is going on here?


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