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Re: [gnugo-devel] gGo is no more free software :-(

From: Csillag Kristof
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] gGo is no more free software :-(
Date: 02 Feb 2003 00:21:15 +0100

2003-02-01, szo keltezéssel address@hidden ezt írta:

> My understanding is that tweet asked Peter Strempel to make
> gGo closed source in exchange for making it available on
> IGS. He gave a reason, claiming that people were modifying gGo
> to cheat on the clock. (IGS allows the client to keep the
> clock to compensate for netlag, which opens the possibility of
> cheating.) 
> It has been observed that this reason does not entirely
> make sense.
IMHO all cooperating systems should be devided such a way so that the
technical boundaries of the devices and the boundaries of the different
interests are the same.

(So the program which the server runs should do everything in the
server's best interest, and the program which I run should do everything
in my best interest.)

So, the clock should be kept by the server.

(By the same token, the accounting for cell phones should be done
_solely_ by the provider, without any involvement of _my_ device - this
way the user wouldn't want to crack it....)

> The old code as Sourceforge is GPL, which is why I keep
> that link. Someone could fork it,
Second best solution

>  or Peter might reconsider the situation.
The very best solution!

What do you think, is there any real chance for it?

How about telling IGS to disallow this clock thing?


Csillag Kristof <address@hidden>

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