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Re: [gnuspeech-contact] Re: what's the status?

From: D.R. Hill
Subject: Re: [gnuspeech-contact] Re: what's the status?
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 00:10:28 -0700 (MST)

Hi Lachlan,

The short reply is, that is the code that translates input parameters into sound file output -- tube.c

If you check the Monet code under the current directory down to the subdirectory Apps, you'll see that the same code is integrated into the Mac OS/X version of Monet.

Leonard Manzara did a slightly updated version of the C code that takes care of endian problems and produces aiff, au or wav format sound files.

Hope that helps.

David Hill, Prof. Emeritus, Computer Science  |  Imagination is more       |
U. Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4       |  important than knowledge  |
address@hidden OR address@hidden   |         (Albert Einstein)  |             |  Kill your television      |

On Wed, 15 Feb 2006, Lachlan Stuart wrote:

Thanks for the reply, David.

My concern was more about the platform-neutral/uniform language side of
GNUSpeech's accessibility.
I am aware that things such as UI, file system access and sound output
requires quite different code per OS, API and architecture, but the
algorithmic side and layout of data files can generally stay the same(so
long as the endian is swapped appropriately in the file IO functions).
That said, as I've been coding in C# for as long as I can remember, I've
forgotten how other languages aren't quite as paste-and-compile.

Just for clarification, are the trillium\src\softwareTRM\ files in CVS where
the actual waveform is generated, or am I looking in the wrong place?

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