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Re: Ugly flickering in some views

From: Germán Arias
Subject: Re: Ugly flickering in some views
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 00:15:27 -0600
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

On 2012-01-23 21:16:01 -0600 Eric Wasylishen <address@hidden> wrote:

Thanks for the info.. this is bad because it sounds like the NSCopyBits is causing flickering.

I have another debugging request:
-update gui/back again
-verify the flickering is back.
-open back/Source/cairo/CairoContext.m
and change this section:

//#    define _CAIRO_SURFACE_CLASSNAME XGCairoSurface
//#    include "cairo/XGCairoSurface.h"
//#    define _CAIRO_SURFACE_CLASSNAME XGCairoXImageSurface
//#    include "cairo/XGCairoXImageSurface.h"
#    define _CAIRO_SURFACE_CLASSNAME XGCairoModernSurface
#    include "cairo/XGCairoModernSurface.h"

to this:

//#    define _CAIRO_SURFACE_CLASSNAME XGCairoSurface
//#    include "cairo/XGCairoSurface.h"
#    define _CAIRO_SURFACE_CLASSNAME XGCairoXImageSurface
#    include "cairo/XGCairoXImageSurface.h"
//#    define _CAIRO_SURFACE_CLASSNAME XGCairoModernSurface
//#    include "cairo/XGCairoModernSurface.h"

-make and install back, and try fisicalab again.

This change solves the problem.

I'm assuing you're using the cairo backend. I'm curious if changing from XGCairoModernSurface to XGCairoXImageSurface will fix the problem. Also it might be worth trying art or xlib, and see if you still get the same flickering.

Yes, I'm using cairo. And with xlib and art all works fine. The problem is only with cairo. I don't understand this problem. But, for example, the fisicalab's chalkboard works fine. Even when is basically the same. An NSView with a lot of buttons that can display images. The only difference is that its content isn't copied from another window. And why this problem occurs only when I move the scrollbar to down?



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