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Need Help in Shift Reduce Errors

From: Atul Kulkarni
Subject: Need Help in Shift Reduce Errors
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 09:53:21 +0530


I am facing a problem with the Grammar i am feeding to the Bison. It
throws 2 shift reduce conflicts. Please help with this I am not able
to resolve them.

I am attaching my Grammar and Bison input that I created.

The Input for Bison I created from the Grammar.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void yyerror(char const *);

%union {
int Int;
char Char;
char* CharPtr;
double Float;
bool Bool;

#include "lex.yy.c"
%token <Int> DIGIT
%token <Char> LETTER
%token <Float> TOK_NUMBER
%token <Char> TOK_OPENBRACE
%token <Char> TOK_CLOSEBRACE
%token <Char> TOK_TERNARY_IF
%token <Char> TOK_TERNARY_ELSE
%token <Char> TOK_ASSIGN_EQUAL
%token <Char> TOK_LOGICAL_AND
%token <Char> TOK_LOGICAL_OR
%token <CharPtr> TOK_VARIABLE

%type <Char> Sign
%type <Float> Number 
%type <Float> Variable  
%type <Float> Operand
%type <Char> Operator  
%type <Float> Simple_Exp 
%type <Float> Expression 
%type <CharPtr> And_or
%type <CharPtr> Comparison
%type <Bool> Equality
%type <Bool> Logical_Exp 
%type <Float> Ternary_Exp 
%type <Float> Eval_Exp
%type <Float> Assignment 


Assignment:             Variable TOK_ASSIGN_EQUAL TOK_OPENBRACE Eval_Exp
TOK_CLOSEBRACE          {$1 = $4; printf("%f = %f", $1, $4);}
                        |       Variable TOK_ASSIGN_EQUAL Eval_Exp              
                                                        {$1 = $3; printf("%f =
%f", $1, $3);}
Eval_Exp:               Ternary_Exp                                             
                                                                        {$$ = 
                        |       Expression                                      
{$$ = $1; printf("EVAL EXP: %f = %f \n", $$, $1);}
Ternary_Exp:    Logical_Exp TOK_TERNARY_IF Expression TOK_TERNARY_ELSE
Expression      {$1 ? $$ = $3 : $$ = $5}
Logical_Exp:    TOK_OPENBRACE Equality TOK_CLOSEBRACE And_or
Logical_Exp                     {       if(strcmp($4, "&&")== 0) \
                        $$ = $2 && $5; \
                else \
                        $$ = $2 || $5; \
                        |       TOK_OPENBRACE Equality TOK_CLOSEBRACE           
                                                {$$ = $2}
                        |       Equality And_or Logical_Exp                     
if(strcmp($2, "&&")== 0)\
                        $$ = $1 && $2; \
                else \
                        $$ = $1 || $2; \
                        |       Equality                                        
{$$ = $1}
Equality:               Operand Comparison Operand                              
                                                        {       if(strcmp($2, 
"<") == 0)\
                        $$ = $1 < $3; \
                else if(strcmp($2, ">") == 0) \
                        $$ = $1 > $3; \
                else if(strcmp($2, "==") == 0) \
                        $$ = $1 == $3; \
                else if(strcmp($2, "!=") == 0) \
                        $$ = $1 != $3; \
                else if(strcmp($2, "<=") == 0) \
                        $$ = $1 <= $3; \
                else if(strcmp($2, ">=") == 0) \
                        $$ = $1 >= $3; \
Comparison:             TOK_COMPARE_LESS_THAN                                   
                                                        {$$ = (char *)
malloc(sizeof(char) * 3); sprintf($$, "%c", $1);}
                        |       TOK_COMPARE_GREATER_THAN                        
                                                                {$$ = (char *)
malloc(sizeof(char) * 3); sprintf($$, "%c", $1);}
                        |       TOK_COMPARE_EQUAL_EQUAL                         
                                                                {$$ = (char *)
malloc(sizeof(char) * 3); sprintf($$, "%s", $1);}
                        |       TOK_COMPARE_NOT_EQUAL                           
                                                                {$$ = (char *)
malloc(sizeof(char) * 3); sprintf($$, "%s", $1);}
                        |       TOK_COMPARE_LESSTHAN_EQUAL                      
                                                                {$$ = (char *)
malloc(sizeof(char) * 3); sprintf($$, "%s", $1);}
                        |       TOK_COMPARE_GREATERTHAN_EQUAL                   
                                                        {$$ = (char *)
malloc(sizeof(char) * 3); sprintf($$, "%s", $1);}
And_or:                 TOK_LOGICAL_AND                                         
                                                                {$$ = (char *)
malloc(sizeof(char) * 3); sprintf($$, "%s", $1);}
                        |       TOK_LOGICAL_OR                                  
                                                                        {$$ = 
(char *) malloc(sizeof(char) *
3); sprintf($$, "%s", $1);}
Expression:             TOK_OPENBRACE Simple_Exp TOK_CLOSEBRACE Operator
Expression                      {       if($4 == '+') \
                        $$ = $2 + $5; \
                else if($4 == '-') \
                        $$ = $2 - $5; \
                else if($4 == '*') \
                        $$ = $2 * $5; \
                else if($4 == '/') \
                        $$ = $2 / $5; \
                        |       Simple_Exp                                      
{$$ = $1; printf("EXP: %f = %f\n", $$, $1);}    
                        |       Simple_Exp Operator Expression                  
                                                        {       if($2 == '+') \
                        $$ = $1 + $3; \
                else if($2 == '-') \
                        $$ = $1 - $3; \
                else if($2 == '*') \
                        $$ = $1 * $3; \
                else if($2 == '/') \
                        $$ = $1 / $3; 
                        |       TOK_OPENBRACE Simple_Exp TOK_CLOSEBRACE         
                                                {$$ = $2}
Simple_Exp:             TOK_OPENBRACE Operand Operator Operand
TOK_CLOSEBRACE                          {       if($3 == '+') \
                        $$ = $2 + $4; \
                else if($3 == '-') \
                        $$ = $2 - $4; \
                else if($3 == '*') \
                        $$ = $2 * $4; \
                else if($3 == '/') \
                        $$ = $2 / $4; 
                        |       Operand Operator Operand                        
                                                                {       if($2 
== '+') \
                        $$ = $1 + $3; \
                else if($2 == '-') \
                        $$ = $1 - $3; \
                else if($2 == '*') \
                        $$ = $1 * $3; \
                else if($2 == '/') \
                        $$ = $1 / $3; 
                printf("Simple Exp: %f = %f %c %f\n", $$, $1,(char)$2,$3);
Operator:               TOK_PLUSOPERATOR                                        
                                                                {$$ = '+';}
                        |       TOK_MINUSOPERATOR                               
                                                                        {$$ = 
                        |       TOK_MULTIPLYOPERATOR                            
                                                                {$$ = '*';}
                        |       TOK_DEVIDEOPERATOR                              
                                                                        {$$ = 

Operand:                Variable                                                
                                                                        {$$ = 
$1; printf("Variable: %f\n", $1);}        
                        |       Number                                          
{$$ = $1; printf("Number: %f\n", $1);}
Variable:               TOK_VARIABLE                                            
                                                                {$$ = 10000;}   
/*TODO: Please note
this value is to Replaced */
Number:                 Sign DIGIT                                              
if($1 == '-')
                        $$ = -$2;
                        $$ = $2;        
                        |       Sign TOK_NUMBER                                 
if($1 == '-')
                        $$ = -$2;
                        $$ = $2;        
                        |       DIGIT                                           
                $$ = $1;
                        |       TOK_NUMBER                                      
                $$ = $1;
Sign:                   TOK_PLUSOPERATOR                                        
                                                                {$1 = '+';}
                        |       TOK_MINUSOPERATOR                               
                                                                        {$1 = 

void yyerror(char const *err_str)
        printf(" %s", err_str);

Attachment: Grammar.gif
Description: GIF image

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