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Re: Newbie Dynamic Data Typing Help

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: Newbie Dynamic Data Typing Help
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 19:59:36 +0200

On 5 Oct 2005, at 18:54, Gill,Michael J wrote:

I'm a complete newbie to bison and language semantics in general.  I'm
trying to extend the mfcalc.y example from the manual to allow
dynamically typed variables but am at a loss as to how to implement
them. I'm currently saving var names and values in the symbol.c linked
list but with double vals only, I want to add char and char* types as
dynamic types.  Any direction/help would be apprectiated.

If you write in C++, you can make a polymorphic class hierarchy, i.e., a root class object, and classes derived from a that. As a parser semantic type, one would use another class, maintaining a pointer object*, which may be combined with a reference count, in order to avoid unnecessary copying.

Now, if you program in C, you just translate this picture; vice versa, the C++ constructs were developed in order to automate the corresponding C constructs. C requires more programming by hand, but is easier to make optimized work in. So in C, you might have a class (in pseudocode)
  enum type { DOUBLE, STRING, OTHER, ... };

  struct data {
    type type_;
    union {
      double double_;
      char* string_;
      void* other_;

#define YYSTYPE data

Then use the type_ value to extract the right kind of data, making sure that (de-)allocations takes place correctly, etc.

If you only need statically typed variables that can hold different values, then use the Bison feature %union, and instead of the type enum, use Bison statc type system to select the right union field. Use %destructor to cleanup during error recovery.

  Hans Aberg

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