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RE: Newbie Dynamic Data Typing Help

From: Gill,Michael J
Subject: RE: Newbie Dynamic Data Typing Help
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 15:13:54 -0400

Thanks for the tips, I'm trying the %union approach but am hung up on
how to differentiate data types in the grammar.  I need to initialize
VARs to either NUM or CHR types but only want to allow operations (+, -,
*, etc.) on NUM types, hoe do I differentiate VAR types in the grammar?
This is what I have now:

//data types
        double num; //number & variable type
        char chr; //char type
        symrec *tptr; //symbol table pointers

%token <num> NUM //number
%token <chr> CHR //char
%token <tptr> VAR FNCT //variable and function

%type <num> numexp //set numexp type
%type <chr> chrexp //set chrexp type

%right '=' // assignment op
%left '-' '+' //add & sub
%left '*' '/' //multiply & divide
%left NEG /* negation--unary minus */
%right '^' /* exponentiation */

%% /* The grammar follows. */

input: /* empty */
        | input line

line: ';' { printf ("\n%d> ", @$.last_line); }
        | numexp ';' { printf ("\t= %.10g\n%d> ", $1, @$.last_line); }
        | chrexp ';' { printf ("\t= %c\n%d> ", $1, @$.last_line); }
        | error ';'

numexp:  NUM { $$ = $1; }
        | VAR ';' {
                        //check data type
                        if($1->dtype == NUM){
                                $$ = $1->value.num;
                        }else if($1->dtype == CHR){
                                $$ = $1->value.chr;
                        //init as num = 0
                                $$ = 0;
                                $1->dtype = NUM;
                                $1->value.num = 0;
        | VAR '=' numexp {
                                                $$ = $3;
                                                $1->dtype = NUM;
                                                $1->value.num = $3;
        | FNCT '(' numexp ')' { $$ = (*($1->value.fnctptr))($3); }
        | numexp '+' numexp { $$ = $1 + $3; }
        | numexp '-' numexp { $$ = $1 - $3; }
        | numexp '*' numexp { $$ = $1 * $3; }
        | numexp '/' numexp { $$ = $1 / $3; }
        | '-' numexp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; }
        | numexp '^' numexp { $$ = pow ($1, $3); }
        | '(' numexp ')' { $$ = $2; }
        | '!' VAR { $$ = system($2->name);}

chrexp:  CHR { $$ = $1; }
        | VAR '=' chrexp {
                                                $$ = $3;
                                                $1->dtype = CHR;
                                                $1->value.chr = $3;



-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Aberg [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 7:02 PM
To: Gill,Michael J
Cc: Bison Help
Subject: Re: Newbie Dynamic Data Typing Help

[Please keep the cc to Help-Bison, as others may help.]

It is described in the Bison manual. The type indicated just selects  
a field in the union.

On 5 Oct 2005, at 21:53, Gill,Michael J wrote:

> Hans,
> I'm not familiar with the statc type system in Bison, how does that
> work?  My current vars are implemented as pointers to symrec from  
> the .y
> file and hold only doubles in their value fields.  Is it enough to
> simply add the types to the union in the definition of symrec and then
> set them from the grammar actions based on the return type from yylex?
> How about the exp type can it still be just double?  The whole type
> matching of tokens to grammar rules to values is confusing me.
> Thanks again,
> -Mike
> On 5 Oct 2005, at 18:54, Gill,Michael J wrote:
>> I'm a complete newbie to bison and language semantics in general.   
>> I'm
>> trying to extend the mfcalc.y example from the manual to allow
>> dynamically typed variables but am at a loss as to how to implement
>> them.  I'm currently saving var names and values in the symbol.c
>> linked
>> list but with double vals only, I want to add char and char* types as
>> dynamic types.  Any direction/help would be apprectiated.
> If you write in C++, you can make a polymorphic class hierarchy,
> i.e., a root class object, and classes derived from a that. As a
> parser semantic type, one would use another class, maintaining a
> pointer object*, which may be combined with a reference count, in
> order to avoid unnecessary copying.
> Now, if you program in C, you just translate this picture; vice
> versa, the C++ constructs were developed in order to automate the
> corresponding C constructs. C requires more programming by hand, but
> is easier to make optimized work in. So in C, you might have a class
> (in pseudocode)
>    enum type { DOUBLE, STRING, OTHER, ... };
>    struct data {
>      type type_;
>      union {
>        double double_;
>        char* string_;
>        void* other_;
>        ...
>      }:
>    };
> #define YYSTYPE data
> Then use the type_ value to extract the right kind of data, making
> sure that (de-)allocations takes place correctly, etc.
> If you only need statically typed variables that can hold different
> values, then use the Bison feature %union, and instead of the type
> enum, use Bison statc type system to select the right union field.
> Use %destructor to cleanup during error recovery.
>    Hans Aberg

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