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Re: help-gnats ............Unable to open login client page through gnat

From: Hans-Albert Schneider
Subject: Re: help-gnats ............Unable to open login client page through
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 00:06:02 +0200 (CEST)

>>>>> "GV" == Gnanesh V <address@hidden> writes:

    GV> Dear Sir, I have installed & configured GNATS on linux
    GV> system. But when I try to open or hit the URL it is
    GV> displaying the following error message on the client
    GV> page.

    GV> Login "host localhost, port 1529 access denied. No Fake
    GV> tries...Contact SysAdm for Right Password"

Sorry, I did not find this message in the sources (current CVS
version).  Which version of GNATS are you using?

It may also be that it does not come out of GNATS but from
something inetd wraps around gnatsd, or that it is locally
configured in

    GV> Please let me how to proced further since, this is a show
    GV> stopper. So kindly, let me know where else in the
    GV> directories/files I need to configure to get the login
    GV> screen.

Try to telnet to port 1529 of the machine where gnatsd runs.
If you use version 4.0-pre (3.999.1), you may also start gnatsd
on the command line.

O, wait: Are you sure that port 1529 is used by gnatsd?  You see,
it is a port that officially is used by another application, so
maybe you are running that one (or even a third one), and it
occupies that port.  In this case, find a free port, and
configure gnats to use that one.  Adapt your /etc/inetd.conf or
/etc/xinetd/support file to the new port.

Sorry for the delay, I am currently very busy.  But it seems that
nobody else has got an idea either.


Hans-Albert Schneider
Munich, Germany
EMail: address@hidden

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