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Patch: Fix user authentication + MKDB

From: Pankaj K Garg
Subject: Patch: Fix user authentication + MKDB
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 17:49:21 -0700

Please take a look at the following patch that fixes the

 1) MKDB: creates all parent directories in case they did
   not exist.

 2) MKDB: creates gnatsd.user_access instead of gnatsd.access

 3) PASSWORD CHECKING: The password checking in the current CVS
   directory is broken. It was not working as someone else also
   recenlty noted on this list. The problems were: (a) it was using
   the opposite logic of match(), (b) it did not default to plain
   text passwords, (c) an empty database list was confusing it, and
   (d) there was no fall-through. The last point needs a bit of

   Suppose I had a entry like so:

   The desired behavior should be that in case a user fails the password
   check for 'foo' then he should be allowed to have a 'view' access
   as everybody else. The current code will default 'foo' with a bad
   password to 'no_access'.

This should close BUG report number: 416


P.S. Patch file created by `cvs -up gnatsd.c misc.c > patchfile.out`

Pankaj K Garg              address@hidden
1684 Nightingale Avenue    408-373-4027
Sunnyvale, CA 94304

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