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Re: Patch: Fix user authentication + MKDB

From: Lars Henriksen
Subject: Re: Patch: Fix user authentication + MKDB
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 20:36:33 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 10:37:04AM -0700, Pankaj K Garg wrote:

> So, I've changed this in a new patch. Now, for an empty field
> we return an empty string (""). Hopefully, this should fix
> things. Please try the attached patch and let me know.

Yes, that helped. As you already know I'm only able to test plaintext
and no password. They seem to work as agreed. I've tested with two
databases, with users present in or absent from the responsible file,
with and without password and with the site and database specific
gnatsd.user_access files.

I've spotted one difference in behaviour: gnatsd no longer seems to
remember the user when you switch between databases (it still remembers
the database when you switch user). In the following sessions there
are two databases, both with anybody/any password edit access
specified in the database specific user access file; the site access
level is listdb.

Two sessions follow. First the existing gnatsd:

15$ ./gnatsd -n
200 GNATS server 4.0-beta1 ready.
chdb development x y
210-Now accessing GNATS database 'development'
210 User access level set to 'edit'
chdb support
210-Now accessing GNATS database 'support'
210 User access level set to 'edit'
201 Later.

Then the patched version:

17$ ./gnatsd -n
200 GNATS server 4.0-beta1 ready.
chdb development x y
210-Now accessing GNATS database 'development'
210 User access level set to 'edit'
chdb support
210-Now accessing GNATS database 'support'
210 User access level set to 'listdb'
user x y
210-Now accessing GNATS database 'support'
210 User access level set to 'edit'
201 Later.


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