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Re: Different mail-format or on-change action for particular Category

From: Mel Hatzis
Subject: Re: Different mail-format or on-change action for particular Category
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 16:51:07 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Hash: SHA1

Tim Buck wrote:
> Is there any way to have GNATS use a different mail-format or apply
> a different on-change action depending on the category of the PR,
> or depending on whether or not a PR is marked confidential?

Not currently, however I've developed exactly this functionality
for my employer and it's proved to be extremely useful. I was planning
on incorporating this to the official GNATS project over the next month
or two.

The way it works is that each mail-format definition has a
mandatory 'trigger' associated with it (e.g. "on-create",
"on-append", etc). Furthermore, each trigger can be specified with
an optional condition constraining when the trigger is "fired".
So, a mail-format definition in dbconfig looks like:

  # This format is used for initial PRs that end up as pending PRs.
  mail-format "initial-pr-notification-pending" {
    trigger on-create "Category==\"pending\""
    from-address {
        "From:" | "From"
    to-addresses {
        fixed-address "gnats-admin" "Reply-To:" | "From:"

The GNATS code is modified so that rather than sending email
notifications of hardwired mail-format names, it sends email
based on the triggers. You can have multiple mail-formats
defined to trigger "on-create" for example (nominally with
different trigger conditions) and the relevant notifications
will be sent out based on which trigger conditions are applicable
to the state of the PR.

The mail-format names are essentially unused...they have been
retained for potential logging/error reporting.

- --
Mel Hatzis
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


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