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Re: Following my first contributions to the translation of the guix-manu

From: Julien Lepiller
Subject: Re: Following my first contributions to the translation of the guix-manual
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2020 19:57:47 +0100

Le Fri, 4 Dec 2020 17:51:49 +0100,
Hubert Lombard <> a écrit :

> Hi Guix!
> Based on the recommendations that you provided me after the first
> contributions to the translation of the guix-manual, I thought that I
> would do some proofreading, track down possible spelling mistakes,
> identify possible offensive expressions, emphasize inclusive writing,
> etc...
> Can you confirm that this inspiration is still relevant, about
> If so, can I simply copy the 'guix-manual-1.2.0-pre3.en.po' current
> (Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2020 20:32:04 +0100) instead of
> 'guix-manual.en.po' into my initially cloned guix git ad-hoc git
> environment?
> If not, do I have to do the following manipulation again?
> ~/guix$ guix environment guix
> ~/guix [env]$ ./bootstrap
> ~/guix [env]$ ./configure --localstatedir=/var
> ~/guix [env]$ make
> ~/guix [env]$ make info && info -f doc/
> Unless it is not necessary, is the update done automatically? In my
> opinion, the update is done automatically, but if in doubt, I prefer
> to ask you...
> Thank you in advance :-)

If you want to test your changes to guix-manual-*.fr.po, you need to
use make, so intermediate files are updated too:

~/guix$ guix environment guix
~/guix [env]$ ./bootstrap
~/guix [env]$ ./configure --localstatedir=/var
~/guix [env]$ make doc/

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