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[Ifile-discuss] Re: Maildir format

From: clemens fischer
Subject: [Ifile-discuss] Re: Maildir format
Date: 28 May 2003 17:00:13 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1003 (Gnus v5.10.3) Emacs/21.3 (berkeley-unix)

"Karl Vogel" <address@hidden>:

> C> AFAIK "ifile -c" doesn't print the entire message, only the
> C> classifications itself.  thus your perl script will only get to see
> C> categories.
>    Right.  What did you have in mind to add to each message?

the file name, of coure  :)  how else would the script know which
message to change?  :)

>    Correct.  Maybe this isn't on track with the rest of the thread,
>    but I've found it's much faster and simpler to handle mail using
>    a batch approach.  Only one thing at a time is ever touching
>    these files, so locking isn't needed.

ok, but somehow you must insure that this assertion (only one script
is running at any one time) remains true.  this is not trivial when
using cron, because one cannot be sure if the previous such cron job
has finished.  but then nobody has yet told us how and when this
script is started.  i was assuming cron, because it is customary to
use cron for fetching emails at regular intervals, with the script
running right afterwards.  so it must not happen that it is still
active when the next mailfetch is scheduled.

but this is about re-learning, right?  maybe you want to run the
script manually until it's finished?  if so, the script must get the
names of the files to change after previous scripts are done and
before new emails arrive, corect?


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