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[PATCH]More Emacs inputs

From: Heikki Johannes Junes
Subject: [PATCH]More Emacs inputs
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 04:19:30 +0300 (EET DST)

For me it is hard to remember all the syntax while editing with emacs.
That is why I made an interface which helps to remember the syntax.
For example, some regularly used articulations like "\tenuto" and
"\staccato" can be inserted by typing just "C-c -" or "C-c .",
respectively. The item "Main Fields" contains many features which are
easy to forget. Here's the patch, it is rather long (10 kb) with one new
file "lilypond-input.el".

--- VERSION~    Sun Oct 14 17:07:56 2001
+++ VERSION     Mon Oct 15 04:00:31 2001
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # use the above to send patches: MY_PATCH_LEVEL is always empty for a
 # released version.
--- CHANGES~    Mon Oct 15 04:01:59 2001
+++ CHANGES     Mon Oct 15 04:02:05 2001
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+* Emacs-mode: Grouped inserting tags
--- lilypond-mode.el.orig       Thu Oct 11 18:28:29 2001
+++ lilypond-mode.el    Mon Oct 15 04:05:25 2001
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 (load-library "lilypond-font-lock")
+(load-library "lilypond-input")
 (require 'easymenu)
 (require 'compile)
@@ -426,40 +427,27 @@
   (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-v" 'LilyPond-command-view)
   (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'LilyPond-command-viewps)
   (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-m" 'LilyPond-command-midi)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cI" 'lilypond-Include) ; main field
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cH" 'lilypond-Header)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cG" 'lilypond-Global)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cN" 'lilypond-Notes)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cS" 'lilypond-Score)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cc" 'lilypond-clef) ; staff field
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-ck" 'lilypond-key)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-ct" 'lilypond-time)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c-" 'lilypond-tenuto) ; articulation
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c." 'lilypond-staccato)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-a<" 'lilypond-crescendo)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c\C-a>" 'lilypond-diminuendo)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c(" 'lilypond-slur) ; note group
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c[" 'lilypond-bar)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-c<" 'lilypond-chord)
+  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cx" 'lilypond-context)
   (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cn" 'lilypond-notes)
-  (define-key LilyPond-mode-map "\C-cs" 'lilypond-score)
 ;;; Menu Support
-(define-skeleton lilypond-notes
-  "Lilypond notes tag."
-  nil
-;  (if (bolp) nil ?\n)
-  "\\notes"
-  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"\\relative\" attribute? ")
-      (concat " \\relative " (skeleton-read "Relative: " "" str)))
-  " { " _ " }")
-(define-skeleton lilypond-score
-  "Lilypond score tag."
-  nil
-  (if (bolp) nil ?\n)
-  "\\score {\n"
-  "   " _ "\n"
-  "   \\paper {  }\n"
-  (if (y-or-n-p "Insert \"\\header\" field? ")
-      (concat "   \\header {\n      " 
-             (skeleton-read "Piece: " "piece = " str) "\n"
-             (if (y-or-n-p "Insert \"opus\" field? ")
-                 (concat "      " (skeleton-read "Opus: " "opus = " str) "\n"))
-             "   }\n"))
-  (if (y-or-n-p "Insert \"\\midi\" field? ")
-      (concat "   \\midi { " 
-             (skeleton-read "Midi: " "\\tempo 4 = " str)  
-             " }\n"))
-  "}\n")
 (defun LilyPond-command-menu-entry (entry)
   ;; Return LilyPond-command-alist ENTRY as a menu item.
   (let ((name (car entry)))
@@ -489,10 +477,27 @@
               :keys "C-c C-r" :style radio
               :selected (eq LilyPond-command-current 'LilyPond-command-region) 
-            [ "\\notes..."  lilypond-notes
-              :keys "C-c n" ]
-            [ "\\score..."  lilypond-score
-              :keys "C-c s" ]
+            ("Main Fields"
+             [ "\\include"  lilypond-Include :keys "C-c I" ]
+             [ "\\header"  lilypond-Header :keys "C-c H" ]
+             [ "global ="  lilypond-Global :keys "C-c G" ]
+             [ "xx = \\notes"  lilypond-Notes :keys "C-c N" ]
+             [ "\\score"  lilypond-Score :keys "C-c S" ])
+            ("Staff Field"
+             [ "\\clef"  lilypond-clef :keys "C-c c" ]
+             [ "\\key"  lilypond-key :keys "C-c k" ]
+             [ "\\time"  lilypond-time :keys "C-c t" ])
+            ("Articulation"
+             [ "\\tenuto"  lilypond-tenuto :keys "C-c -" ]
+             [ "\\staccato"  lilypond-staccato :keys "C-c ." ]
+             [ "crescendo \"b \\< _ \\! e\""  lilypond-crescendo :keys "C-c 
C-a <" ]
+             [ "diminuendo \"b \\! _ \\> e\""  lilypond-diminuendo :keys "C-c 
C-a >" ])
+            ("Note Group"
+             [ "slur \"b( _ )e\""  lilypond-slur :keys "C-c (" ]
+             [ "bar \"[b _ e]\""  lilypond-bar :keys "C-c [" ]
+             [ "chord \"<b _ e>\""  lilypond-chord :keys "C-c <" ]
+             [ "\\context xx { _ }"  lilypond-context :keys "C-c x" ]   
+             [ "\\notes { _ }"  lilypond-notes :keys "C-c n" ])             
 ;        (let ((file 'LilyPond-command-on-current))
 ;          (mapcar 'LilyPond-command-menu-entry LilyPond-command-alist))
@@ -580,7 +585,9 @@
   (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
   (setq indent-line-function 'indent-relative-maybe)
-    (set-syntax-table LilyPond-mode-syntax-table)
+  (setq skeleton-end-hook nil)
+  (set-syntax-table LilyPond-mode-syntax-table)
   (setq major-mode 'LilyPond-mode)
   (setq mode-name "LilyPond")
   (setq local-abbrev-table LilyPond-mode-abbrev-table)
--- lilypond-input.el~  Mon Oct 15 04:06:43 2001
+++ lilypond-input.el   Mon Oct 15 03:53:32 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+;; lilypond-input.el --- fast typesetting for LilyPond mode
+;; Copyright (C) 2001 Heikki Junes
+;; Author: 2001: Heikki Junes
+;; Created:       Oct 1992
+;; Version:       0.0
+;; Last Modified: 15OCT2001
+;; Keywords: lilypond languages music notation
+;; This software is provided as-is, without express or implied
+;; warranty.  Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute or sell this
+;; software, without fee, for any purpose and by any individual or
+;; organization, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
+;; notice and this paragraph appear in all copies.
+;; This started out as a cannabalised version of sgml-mode.el, by hjj.
+;; For changes see the LilyPond ChangeLog
+;; TODO:
+;;   - indentation
+;;   - more fields
+(define-skeleton lilypond-Include
+  "Lilypond include field."
+  "Filename to include (e.g. "
+  "\\include \"" str "\"\n\n")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-Header
+  "Lilypond header fields."
+  nil
+  "\\header {\n"
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"filename\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "  filename =    \""
+             (skeleton-read "Filename of this file: " "" str) "\"\n"))
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"title\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "  title =       \""
+             (skeleton-read "Title: " "" str) "\"\n"))
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"subtitle\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "  subtitle =    \""
+             (skeleton-read "Subtitle: " "" str) "\"\n"))
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"source\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "  source =      \""
+             (skeleton-read "Source: " "" str) "\"\n"))
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"composer\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "  composer =    \""
+             (skeleton-read "Composer: " "" str) "\"\n"))
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"enteredby\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "  enteredby =   \""
+             (skeleton-read "Enteredby: " "" str) "\"\n"))
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"copyright\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "  copyright =   \""
+             (skeleton-read "Copyright (e.g. Public Domain): " 
+                            "Public Domain" str) "\"\n"))
+  "}\n\n")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-Global
+  "Lilypond notes tag."
+  nil
+;  (if (bolp) nil ?\n)
+  "global = \\notes {"
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"\\key\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "\n  \\key " (skeleton-read "Note: " "" str)
+             (if (y-or-n-p "(y) major, (n) minor ? ") " \\major" " \\minor")))
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"\\time\" attribute? ")
+      (concat "\n  \\time " (skeleton-read "Numerator: " "" str) "/"
+             (skeleton-read "Denomirator: " "" str)))
+  "\n}\n\n")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-Notes
+  "Lilypond notes fields."
+  nil
+  (let ((notesfields nil))
+    (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"\\relative\" attributes to all fields? ")
+       (while (y-or-n-p "Insert a new \"\\notes\" field? ")
+         (setq notesfields 
+               (concat notesfields
+                       (skeleton-read "Name: " "" str)
+                       " = \\notes \\relative " 
+                       (skeleton-read "Relative: " "" str)
+                       " {\n  \n}\n\n")))
+       (while (y-or-n-p "Insert a new \"\\notes\" field? ")
+         (setq notesfields 
+               (concat notesfields
+                       (skeleton-read "Name: " "" str)
+                       " = \\notes {\n  \n}\n\n"))))
+   notesfields))
+(define-skeleton lilypond-Score
+  "Lilypond score tag."
+  nil
+  (if (bolp) nil ?\n)
+  "\\score {\n"
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Insert \"\\context\" field? ")
+      (concat "  \\context "
+             (skeleton-read "Context (e.g. GrandStaff): " "" str)
+             " <\n"
+             (let ((subconteces nil))
+               (while (y-or-n-p "Insert a sub-\"\\context\" field(s)? ")
+                 (setq subconteces 
+                       (concat subconteces "    \\context Staff = "
+                               (skeleton-read "Staff = (e.g. upper/lower): " 
"" str)
+                               " <\n      \n    >\n")))
+               subconteces)
+             "  >\n"))
+  "  \\paper {}\n"
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Insert \"\\header\" field? ")
+      (concat "  \\header {\n" 
+             (if (y-or-n-p "Insert \"piece\" field? ")
+                 (concat "    piece = \"" 
+                         (skeleton-read "Piece: " "" str) "\"\n"))
+             (if (y-or-n-p "Insert \"opus\" field? ")
+                 (concat "    opus = \"" 
+                         (skeleton-read "Opus: " "" str) "\"\n"))
+             "  }\n"))
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Insert \"\\midi\" field? ")
+      (concat "  \\midi { " 
+             (skeleton-read "Midi: " "\\tempo 4 = " str)  
+             " }\n"))
+  "}\n")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-clef
+  "Lilypond clef tag."
+  "Clef (e.g. treble/violin/tenor/bass): "
+  "\\clef " str " ")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-key
+  "Lilypond key tag."
+  "Note: "
+  "\\key " str 
+  (if (y-or-n-p "(y) major, (n) minor ? ") "\\major " "\\minor "))
+(define-skeleton lilypond-time
+  "Lilypond time tag."
+  nil
+  (concat "\\time " (skeleton-read "Numerator: " "" str) "/"
+             (skeleton-read "Denomirator: " "" str) " "))
+(define-skeleton lilypond-tenuto
+  "Lilypond tenuto tag."
+  nil
+  "\\tenuto")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-staccato
+  "Lilypond staccato tag."
+  nil
+  "\\staccato")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-crescendo
+  "Lilypond crescendo tag."
+  nil
+  " \\<" _ "\\! ")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-diminuendo
+  "Lilypond diminuendo tag."
+  nil
+  " \\!" _ "\\> ")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-slur
+  "Lilypond slur tag."
+  nil
+  "(" _ ")")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-bar
+  "Lilypond bar tag."
+  nil
+  "[" _ "]")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-chord
+  "Lilypond slur tag."
+  nil
+  "<" _ ">")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-context
+  "Lilypond context tag."
+  "Context (e.g. Staff = treble or Voice = i): "
+  "\\context " str " { " _ " }")
+(define-skeleton lilypond-notes
+  "Lilypond notes tag."
+  nil
+  "\\notes"
+  (if (y-or-n-p "Set \"\\relative\" attribute? ")
+      (concat " \\relative " (skeleton-read "Relative: " "" str)))
+  " { " _ " }")

      Heikki Junes
Addr. Jääkärinkatu 6A a10, FIN-00150 Helsinki
 Mob. +358 50 549 7873

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