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Chords... Anyone mind if I take a kick?

From: rerdavies
Subject: Chords... Anyone mind if I take a kick?
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 22:22:47 -0400

I see chords are still broken in places in 1.5.55. (13th chords in the Jazz
style spouting out random little bits of nastiness, for example, accidentals
on the chord names not raised properly due to someone overwriting
simple-super somewhere, &c).

Is anyone looking at this? Would anyone mind if I take a crack at fixing it?

And finally (bracing myself...)

Would anyone mind if I replaced the solid triangle for major7 jazz chords
with a hollow triangle? It drives me nuts (as it does anyone else I've seen
who tries to set jazz charts with buzz), and honestly, I've never seen a
chart with solid triangles unless it's a European thing. (Canadian,
following American practice here).


Robin Davies.

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