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Re: Configurable spacing

From: Rune Zedeler
Subject: Re: Configurable spacing
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 15:36:46 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020313

Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

If you can reduce the problme to a simple file, I'll have a
look. There should not be much difference between 1.5 and 1.4. And
check if this patch helps:

Sorry for late answer.
The patch did not help.
I gave up producing a simple file, so I'll just attach the file that originally caused the problems. The file nicely fills 3 scorelines in 1.4.13 but expands to 4 lines in 1.5.58.

\include ""
\include ""

#(define (reverse-music music)
  (let* ((elements (ly-get-mus-property music 'elements))
         (reversed (reverse elements))
         (e (ly-get-mus-property music 'element))
         (span-dir (ly-get-mus-property music 'span-direction)))

    (ly-set-mus-property music 'elements reversed)

    (if (music? e)
         music 'element
         (reverse-music e)))

    (if (dir? span-dir)
        (ly-set-mus-property music 'span-direction (- span-dir)))

    (map reverse-music reversed)


voic = \notes \relative c' {
    c2 es g as h, r4 g' ~ g fis2 f4 ~ |
    f e2 es4 ~ es d des c h g c f es2 d c es
    g8 f g c g es d es f g a h c es, f g |
    as d, es f g f es d es f g as b as g f |
    g as b c des b as g a h c d es c h a |
    h c d es f d g, d' c d es f es d c h c4 g es c |
global = \notes {
    \clef C
    \property Staff.clefPosition = #-4
    \property Staff.centralCPosition = #-4
    \key c \minor \time 2/2
    \bar "|."

\score {
    \notes \context StaffGroup <
        \property Score.BarNumber \override #'padding = #2.25
        \context Staff=up <
        \context Staff=down <
            \apply #reverse-music \voic
        linewidth= 16.0\cm

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