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Re: [patch] a few misc refman things, changelog for previous INSTALL.tx

From: Jérémie Lumbroso
Subject: Re: [patch] a few misc refman things, changelog for previous INSTALL.txt patch
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 17:57:13 +0200

GP> Now for this patch.  Adds a short warning that \slurUp won't affect
GP> phrasing slurs (thanks to Atte Andre Jensen for that suggestion), and
GP> also a warning that if you want \slurUp to affect a \grace note, the
GP> \slurUp has to be inside the \grace.

It would have been wise to talk about \phrasingSlurUp, et al. (which does
exist).  The newbie this all done for won't understand anything that's
written in the Lilypond Internals.

Best regards,
 Jérémie                            mailto:address@hidden

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