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Re: convert-ly doesn't convert figured bass

From: Laura Conrad
Subject: Re: convert-ly doesn't convert figured bass
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 12:45:46 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "Mats" == Mats Bengtsson <address@hidden> writes:

    Mats> I actually don't remember version 1.6 well enough to understand how
    Mats> your example ever has worked. Did really the FiguredBass context
    Mats> typeset also ordinary music at that time?

No, it didn't typeset the music, but it ignored it except for the
lengths.  So once you had the bass line entered, you just found the
notes with the figures on them and added them.

    Mats> Nowadays, the idea is to have a separate FiguredBass context which
    Mats> only contains the figures.

But then you have to tell it (again) what the lengths of the notes
between the figures are.  And proofread that again.

    Mats> Another possibility would be to use text markup commands instead,
    Mats> see for example

If that's what the input/test/  example is
doing, I tried it and wasn't able to get it to work.  That is, the
example file works, and as long as I'm only adding one figure to a
note, it works in my file, but when I try to add two figures, like

         f_\markup { \column <6 5>}

lily tells me:

Now processing: `'
/home/lconrad/music/telemann/solo5/ error: syntax 
error, unexpected STRING, expecting '<':
         f_\markup { \column <
                              6 5>}

/home/lconrad/music/telemann/solo5/ error: Have to 
be in Lyric mode for lyrics:
         f_\markup { \column <6 5

/home/lconrad/music/telemann/solo5/ error: syntax 
error, unexpected '}':


I'm attaching the test file.  Obviously I have the syntax wrong, but
it looks to me like what the example's doing.

Description: Binary data

Laura (mailto:address@hidden , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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