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Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext doesn't work anymore

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: \RemoveEmptyStaffContext doesn't work anymore
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:49:55 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511

See the documentation of the remove-first property at
It seems that the default has been changed from version 2.4 to 2.6
(actually in order to be consistent with what the documentation said
already for version 2.4).


Matevz Jekovec wrote:
I'm having trouble with making block

\layout {
    \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

to work under lilypond-2.6.3. Under lilypond-2.4.5, it works fine. I'm
attaching the example.

Is it a bug or is it there any difference in usage of
\RemoveEmptyStaffContext between 2.4.5/2.6.3 versions I haven't spotted
in manual?

- Matevž


%                                  %
%   LilyPond output generated by   %
%       "noteedit" 2.8.0           %
%                                  %

\version "2.6.1"

\header {
        title = "Stoji, stoji mi polje "
        composer = "Marij Kogoj "
        copyright = "(C) 2005, Public domain "

XenskiXzborAVoiceA = \relative c' {
\voiceOne \clef G
        \key d \major
\time 2/4 \partial 4 s4 | s2 | % 3
        s2 | s2 |   % 5
        s2 | s2 |   % 7
        s2 | s2 |   % 9
        s2 | s2 |   % 11
        s2 | s2 |   % 13
        s2 | s2 |   % 15
s2 | s4. \repeat "volta" 2 {
                fis8 ^\markup{\large\bold Mirno} | a4 fis |   % 19
                d'8  ( cis ) b4 | b2 |   % 21
                a4. a8 | e4 g |   % 23
                b8  ( a ) g4 | a r8 d, |   % 25
                fis4 e | g cis, |   % 27
                d fis | a4. a8 |   % 29
                fis4 a | g8  ( fis ) e4 |   % 31
d r8 }
XenskiXzborAVoiceB = \relative c' {
\voiceTwo s4 s2 % 3
        s s   % 5
        s s   % 7
        s s   % 9
        s s   % 11
        s s   % 13
        s s   % 15
        s s4.   % 17
        fis8 e4 d   % 19
        d e e d8 cis   % 21
        d4 e8 d cis4 b   % 23
        e d d s8 d   % 25
        b4 d cis a   % 27
        a cis dis!4. dis8   % 29
        dis!4 c! b8 d cis4   % 31
d }
XenskiXzborA = \simultaneous {
        \context Voice="XenskiXzborAVoiceA" \XenskiXzborAVoiceA
        \context Voice="XenskiXzborAVoiceB" \XenskiXzborAVoiceB
XenskiXzborATextB = \lyricmode {
                \set stanza = "2."
Na drev- cu pa _ mi zra- slo _ le- po ja- _ bol- ko; od zu- naj je ru- de- _ če, _ zno- traj ze- _ le- no. }
XenskiXzborATextC = \lyricmode {
                \set stanza = "3."
Tak lih je mo- _ ja dra- ga, _ dra- ga mi- _ lje- na; od zu- naj je ru- de- _ ča, _ zno- traj ža- _ lo- stna. }
XenskiXzborATextD = \lyricmode {
                \set stanza = "4."
Na sre- di moj- _ ga sr- ca sto- ji- ta mli- _ na dva, nič dru- ge- ga ne de- la- ta, lju- be- zen me- _ lje- ta. }
MoXkiXzborBVoiceA = \relative c {
\voiceOne \clef bass
        \key d \major
\time 2/4 \partial 4 fis4 | a fis | % 3
        d'8  ( cis ) b4 | b2 |   % 5
        a | e4 g |   % 7
        b8  ( a ) g4 | a4. d,8 |   % 9
        fis4 e | g cis, |   % 11
        d  ( fis ) | a2 |   % 13
        fis4 a | g8  ( fis ) e4 |   % 15
d2 ~ | d4 r8 \repeat "volta" 2 {
                fis8 | g a b4 |   % 19
                fis8 g g4 | g  ( a ) |   % 21
                a a | a g |   % 23
                g b | a r8 d, |   % 25
                d4 b' | a g |   % 27
                fis a | b fis |   % 29
                c'! dis,! | e8 fis g4 |   % 31
fis r8 }
MoXkiXzborBVoiceB = \relative c {
\voiceTwo s4 s2 % 3
        s s   % 5
        s s   % 7
        s s   % 9
        s s   % 11
        s s   % 13
        s s   % 15
        s s4.   % 17
        fis8 d4 d   % 19
        b cis8 d e2   % 21
        fis4 g a e   % 23
        cis8 d e4 fis s8 d   % 25
        g,4 g a e'   % 27
        d cis b4. b8   % 29
        e4 g, g a   % 31
d }
MoXkiXzborB = \simultaneous {
        \context Voice="MoXkiXzborBVoiceA" \MoXkiXzborBVoiceA
        \context Voice="MoXkiXzborBVoiceB" \MoXkiXzborBVoiceB
MoXkiXzborBTextA = \lyricmode {
                \set stanza = "1."
Sto- ji, sto- ji _ mi po- lje, po- lje ši- _ ro- ko, na po- lju pa mi zra- _ slo drev- ce ze- _ le no. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }
\score {
        \relative <<
                \context ChoirStaff = cXenskiXzborAA <<
                        \context Staff = cXenskiXzborAA <<
                                \context Voice = cXenskiXzborAVoiceA 
                                \context Voice = cXenskiXzborAVoiceB 
                        \context Lyrics = cXenskiXzborAVoiceB \lyricsto 
cXenskiXzborAVoiceA \XenskiXzborATextB
                        \context Lyrics = cXenskiXzborAVoiceC \lyricsto 
cXenskiXzborAVoiceA \XenskiXzborATextC
                        \context Lyrics = cXenskiXzborAVoiceD \lyricsto 
cXenskiXzborAVoiceA \XenskiXzborATextD
                        \context Staff = cMoXkiXzborBA <<
                                \context Voice = cMoXkiXzborBVoiceA 
                                \context Voice = cMoXkiXzborBVoiceB 
                \context Lyrics = cMoXkiXzborBVoiceA \lyricsto 
cMoXkiXzborBVoiceA \MoXkiXzborBTextA

                \set Score.skipBars = ##t
                \set Score.melismaBusyProperties = #'()
        \layout {
           \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }


lilypond-devel mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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