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Re: Sponsoring lilypond development Was Re: Score parts: instrument and

From: Han-Wen Nienhuys
Subject: Re: Sponsoring lilypond development Was Re: Score parts: instrument and duration
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 17:29:49 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6-1.1.fc4 (X11/20050720)

Pedro Kröger wrote:
I propose we have a short campaign among lily users to raise some
money. That would help while we are working on the next major version
and thinking and working in medium and long time frame actions for
founding. I don't know how many people are here or in lily-users, but if
we could get 100 people to contribute $20 for 6 months, that would
guarantee a monthly $2000 during 6 months (I have no idea about much one
need to live in the Netherlands, I'm using these figures just as an
example). That's sound reasonable to me. I assume that it's easier for
most people to contribute with $10-30 for a period of time like 6 months
than to donate three number figures at once (e.g. $200). At least it is
easier to me. I also assume that probably that's the reason that people
don't contribute more offen, because they think that it will not make a
difference to contribute such a small amount as $20. I believe we could
start this campaign right away.

That's one idea, where a few users will help donating a little. Another
idea is to start a somewhat bigger campaign trying to raise the money
for this 6 month period at once. That would involve universities, music
centers, and institutions like that.

There are definitely plus sides to this idea. now gets about 80000 visitors per month, and with 20000 downloads of the 2.6 release, I guess we might have 10,000 to 40,000 users. However, I see two problems

1. apart from the "involved" people like you, how do you convince people to donate money? I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but I think that the past two months of sponsored features have brought in more money than twice the amount of donation over the past 2 years. You don't get anything in return for a donation: no support, no features, just a thank-you note.

Psychologically, it's much easier to part with money, if you get something in return.

I confess that I pay more attention to questions from people who donate or are customers, but that gets unwieldy for me if 100 people start donating, and it would also be unfair, since Mats is doing most of the question answering anyway.

2. getting donations will create a tension between sponsored features and unsponsored work. For example, if there are a lot of small donators, should I start working on Tie formatting out of my own accord, or do I wait for someone to come along who needs it bad enough to pay the (larger) sponsor fee?

I would be much more comfortable if a campaign is set up to amass money for sponsored features. For example, I could post a "dynamics improvement project" with specs and a price-tag and people can then contribute. When the price target is met, I start working, and collect the cash once its done.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

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