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Quoted text (was Re: When is "-" required in articulations?)

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Quoted text (was Re: When is "-" required in articulations?)
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 08:12:43 +0100

Graham Percival wrote May 22, 2008 11:39 AM
On Thu, 22 May 2008 09:46:15 +0100
"Trevor Daniels" <address@hidden> wrote:
Valentin Villenave wrote May 22, 2008 9:03 AM
> "Markup expressions may also be enclosed in double quotes "...".
> Such expressions are treated as text strings and may not contain
> nested expressions or commands. Therefore, braces are generally
> prefered to double quotes."
> Actually, it would be nice if we had a specific name for such
> objects. Graham told me to find something but neither he or I could
> come up with a smart solution.

IMO we should invent a term, and use it consistently throughout
the docs.

I'm just throwing out some terms in case one of them causes
somebody to think of something:

Atomic text?   (denoting both single words and quoted text)
Strings?  (bite the bullet: we can't avoid computerese
 completely... although I admit that talking about "strings" to
 musicians would be /very/ icky.

Especially string players ;)

 I already have a hard enough time
 describing my area of research)
Immutable text?  (getting too complicated; we have a lot of ESL
 readers.  Besides, I'm not even certain the word makes sense

I don't like any of these.

Failing all else, I suppose we /could/ use the terms "markup text"
and "quoted text".  I mean, there are more uses for these terms
(whatever we end up calling them) than just c^\markup{foo} and
c-"foo".  I'm thinking of things like
 \set InstrumentName = #'"Bb clarinet"
 \set InstrumentName = \markup{ B\flat clarinet }

Are we looking for a name for -any- object which is
delimited by double quotes and contains literal text,
or a name for the textual annotation which is applied
to a note with '-', or even textual annotation which
can be applied to a note with either '-' or '\markup?
There is a difference.  For example the terms "text string"
or "quoted text" could be used for the former, as in

"specify the version with '\version' followed by the
version number as a text string"
but not

"add textual annotation by appending a '-' followed
by a text string",
as this excludes the possibility of dropping the quotes
if the text is a single alphabetic word.  So this would
need to be described by a different term.  (That's why
I used "text annotation" for this.)

I'm still not wild about "quoted text", though.

Me neither.  But the advantage is that it describes
the essential characteristics of the object precisely -
the quotes and the nature of the content - to anyone
without requiring an explanation.

- Graham

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